I need to get this up to date.
Yesterday morning (Sunday) I sat in a chair in a pile of stuff the land owner just has laying around. He is always working in the yard so I felt safe there. His property butts up to where we hunt and he gives us permission to park, access our stands, and hunt his land (although neither of us had ever hunted it.) My intention was to glass down a lane to see where these bucks were entering the beans. It is low land along a creek so the cold morning had a bit of fog lingering in the bottom area. I made out one deer but couldn't see it's head before it disappeared. Second deer moved thru and was a buck but I couldn't tell how big. Third buck came straight up this gravel lane right towards me. It was the smallest of the three. The big boys snuck off into the bottom and thick cover. Third deer was walking right at me. Where I anticipated seeing deer I had cover. The direction he came in, he would have seen a guy in a chair. lol Stupid young buck walked a 2-300yd path towards me without missing a beat and turned 35yds from me into the fence row. I videod the deal but cannot upload videos with my dinosaur computer. Unbelievable he didn't pick me off. After this, I snuck out to road scout and make it to church with my family.
Fast forward to last night. We had pictures of 2 nice bucks exiting the property on camera on Oct 18/19 at 8pm. I am pretty sure it was the same 2 plus Old Stupid with them re-entering the property that morning. We set up in 2 stands which would hopefully position us for their exit route and hopefully do so during shooting light. They were no shows. I did have 4 does come in and exit the beans into the woods 50yds west of me. Just not close enough for me. 3 of them came back toward me later. My buddy saw 8 does come out in another place. I saw 3 of the 8 he saw but couldn't tell how many given the angle. My group met up with his group of deer and they all mingled in the woods behind me (downwind mind you, thank you Scent Smoker!) and were all within 100yds of me. I saw 6-8 within 50yds of me but couldn't move around much to decipher how many exactly. It didn't matter how many, I was COVERED up in deer! I finally made moves to get positioned for a shot. I ranged the doe I wanted at 27yds. After this intense slow motion of movements on my part, I was finally able to get to a position to draw. I settled the pin on her. I had a small window through the trees but sank one into her. It sounded great! She took off with her tail tucked! I waited until dark so I didn't bugger up my buddy's hunt. Finally got down and couldn't find my arrow. Eventually we found it and it looked like it was covered in gut materials? We found no blood on impact or in the first 30yds or so. I was puzzled. Assuming gut shot, we slid out and I came back with Hank to find her this morning. It was a perfect double lung shot. I really don't understand why there was no blood on the arrow or the first 30yds or so. Only explanation would be the immense amount of fat she had on her. It had to have wiped the arrow clean upon exit.
Stats for Sunday morning:
Hours hunted: 1.5
Deer seen: 3
SHot opportunities: 1
Stats for Sunday evening:
Hours hunted: 3.5
Deer seen: 13
Shot opportunities: at least half a dozen, lmao
Shots taken: 1
Deer tagged: 1