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Hicks hunting log


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great Job. Now you'll have more patience to wait for the big guy!

Thank you Boone and everyone else with the congrats. I agree Boone. Got my fix and my freezer filler taken care of. Now I can hunt for a big boy and hold off on the does. Feels good to get one under my belt for the season and it is a great confidence builder early in the season.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Took my climber tonight in efforts to better position myself to deer movement around 2 different combines picking beans and to sit where I might learn something about deer movement on this property. Benn settled in with ranges checked for half hour or more now. Just a waiting game from here on out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Maybe I should have taken heed to this wind advisory. Figured it would let up as evening set in. Hasn't yet. Birds are going nuts in flocks close to me. Oh well. Can't kill them from the couch. Then again the birds are so.close it is a terrible sound right now.

I did manage to sit tight on my walk in as I spotted some turkeys. Didn't count but saw 6-8 minimum. Pretty cool.


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
Man, I can't believe you guys going out and sitting in that wind. I wouldn't have gotten anything done but puking in the wind! LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Never put a summary on the hunt last night.

I normally sit until I cannot see my pins without turning the light on. (If I need the light on my pins, it is past legal light.) Last night, I pulled out 5-10min early. I saw nothing. On my way in I saw the turkeys. I had crazy flocks of birds doing freaky stuff. Landed in trees making horrible sounds. Flew in erratic patterns landing all over. They were bizarre last night. I did see a squirrel gathering nuts. Closer to dark I saw a raccoon come out. On my walk back to the truck (long walk from this stand) I got within couple hundred yards of the truck and walked up on a possum. I think we startled each other. I get within 80-90yds of the truck and see eyes in my red lens. Wouldn't you freaking know it? Three deer in the clump on pines behind the barn. Yup. 3 deer within 50yds of the truck just hanging out. This is par for the course. I should hunt close to this area, but it is not far from the house or road. Out of respect for the land owners, I do not hunt this area. They have mentioned before they would prefer not hunting this close to the house.

I am up to 19.75hrs on stand this year.
When I have seen the deer, they have been mainly in bow range. Have not seen a ton though. 12 deer seen on the season.
One doe in the freezer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Rain moving in tomorrow night. Undecided what I am doing. S winds rule out one farm. Trail camera pictures and road scouting rule out 2 others. Leaves me hunting the same property I have been hunting. I really feel like I am over hunting it. I will be hunting somewhere tomorrow. Just not sure where or what time. I know where I would like to be. Just don't think I can get in there without blowing everything out or having them wind me as they feed back in from the corn. I think I will hunt the same areas I have been hunting it. I realize I might get skunked. I would rather get skunked and not educate the deer. Probably lay up and hunt the safe stand with lower chances of deer sightings. Bucks use the area. They just don't use it with regularity.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Have you considered packing a climber in and hunting a set for a south wind. IMO, you should have a south wind set up on all of your properties Phil, that's a pretty common wind direction during hunting season. Just sayin. Goodluck buddy.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We have some sets for south winds Ric. Just haven't seen anything but does on the properties best suited for south winds. Couple weeks early to hunt these properties. Before I went to bed last night they were calling for mid 50's temp. I opted not to hunt this morning. Patience. SE or SW winds would work better for the sets I have on my 2 properties I am currently buck hunting. Straight S is marginal. Many of the deer run N/S fence rows the way these 2 properties are setup.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Good reads Phil. Just getting caught up on some things finally. Congrats again on the doe. Love the blood trail picture!