Never put a summary on the hunt last night.
I normally sit until I cannot see my pins without turning the light on. (If I need the light on my pins, it is past legal light.) Last night, I pulled out 5-10min early. I saw nothing. On my way in I saw the turkeys. I had crazy flocks of birds doing freaky stuff. Landed in trees making horrible sounds. Flew in erratic patterns landing all over. They were bizarre last night. I did see a squirrel gathering nuts. Closer to dark I saw a raccoon come out. On my walk back to the truck (long walk from this stand) I got within couple hundred yards of the truck and walked up on a possum. I think we startled each other. I get within 80-90yds of the truck and see eyes in my red lens. Wouldn't you freaking know it? Three deer in the clump on pines behind the barn. Yup. 3 deer within 50yds of the truck just hanging out. This is par for the course. I should hunt close to this area, but it is not far from the house or road. Out of respect for the land owners, I do not hunt this area. They have mentioned before they would prefer not hunting this close to the house.
I am up to 19.75hrs on stand this year.
When I have seen the deer, they have been mainly in bow range. Have not seen a ton though. 12 deer seen on the season.
One doe in the freezer.