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It's on... Rut stories


Tatonka guide.
good lord fellas what teh hell am i supposed to do? take off till thanksgivin?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
good lord fellas what teh hell am i supposed to do? take off till thanksgivin?

Works for me Milo :smiley_clap:

During the full moon, what times of the day do you guy's find the best? Late morning or early afternoon?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm pretty happy, I'll be hunting 12/13/14th - didn't really do the astronomical/meteorlogical/hillbillyvoodoo projections, but I'm pretty happy that it looks like I'll be in the thick of things.
Also scheduled off the first two days of gun season, so I'll have a 4 day hunt there....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Yeah, my mind says the same thing Dan.... But my ass says effin no!!!!! I'm good for about 6 hours and thats about it lol...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunrise to sunset baby....sunrise to sunset.


Yeah, my mind says the same thing Dan.... But my ass says effin no!!!!! I'm good for about 6 hours and thats about it lol...

I know it's tough, dude... But this time of year, a giant buck can be moving through your area ANY time of the day. If you're not there, you're not going to kill him. It can be brutal if you're cold or in an uncomfortable stand, but if you can suffer through it it can be well-worth your time. I know some guys like the 9-3 shift, but who's to say the biggun won't come through at 7?... or 8:30? During a full moon period, I see a lot of action between 10 and 2... but also earlier, and later. What else can you do but sit all day?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
All I can say is I am going to hunt whenever and as much as I can hunt from here on through the next several weeks. Won't be everyday, but it will be as much as my schedule allows.

I need to dig out a magazine I just read. The Drury boys are thinking it will be a little earlier. He was very clear about his reasons why and which mornings on certain days, which afternoons on other days, and which evenings. It made good sense, but in the end it really comes down to "hunt as much as you can" for most of us.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What days Phil? C'mon! Spill the beans. Got a couple all day sits comin and I'd like confirmation on what days are best!

Dang. Now I have to leave the basement, walk up two flights of stairs to the upstairs and get that magazine out of my bathroom. :smiley_crocodile:

Be right back!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
From the Nov 2011 issue of Peterson's Hunting Magazine:

"Mark and Terry Drury, the big-buck gurus of the Midwest, put a lot of stock in the moon. I recently texted Mark: How ya like it this year?"

Mark Drury: We love this year's moon. It should enhance the seeking phase of the pre-rut leading into the full moon. Afternoon deer movement near food sources will be on fire if it's cold Nov 5-9."

The Drury's trail cams and journals show that the best big buck movement on their farms occurs on early November days when the moon is rising in the afternoons during the major deer feeding time- as it will be during this year's first-quarter phase. The moon will rise about noon and be visible in the sky from November 2-9. As the week wears on, the moon comes up a little later in the afternoons- the Drurys predict the hunting will get better and better. As the sweet smelling does move toward the corn, the bucks will prowl crazily around them.

Prediction: The best movement will shift to mornings and middays as deer chase and breed come the full moon Novermber 10. Later in the month, early mornings should be best during the last quarter moon, which rises around midnight and peaks around dawn."

Happy now Willy? lol


Senior Member
Athens County
From the Nov 2011 issue of Peterson's Hunting Magazine:

"Mark and Terry Drury, the big-buck gurus of the Midwest, put a lot of stock in the moon. I recently texted Mark: How ya like it this year?"

Mark Drury: We love this year's moon. It should enhance the seeking phase of the pre-rut leading into the full moon. Afternoon deer movement near food sources will be on fire if it's cold Nov 5-9."

The Drury's trail cams and journals show that the best big buck movement on their farms occurs on early November days when the moon is rising in the afternoons during the major deer feeding time- as it will be during this year's first-quarter phase. The moon will rise about noon and be visible in the sky from November 2-9. As the week wears on, the moon comes up a little later in the afternoons- the Drurys predict the hunting will get better and better. As the sweet smelling does move toward the corn, the bucks will prowl crazily around them.

Prediction: The best movement will shift to mornings and middays as deer chase and breed come the full moon Novermber 10. Later in the month, early mornings should be best during the last quarter moon, which rises around midnight and peaks around dawn."

Happy now Willy? lol

Does that qualify as hillbillyvoodoo?

Just kidding man. That shit made me laugh earlier in the thread,
Doe anyone have know whats happening in Guernsey County? I just moved to Illinois and I'm driving home to sit from the 10th thru the 13th. Sounds like it might be good timing according to Drurys and Charlies predictions above but, it would be nice to confirm it from someone actually hunting the area. Thanks


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Welcome to the site Ryan. I can't speak for Guernsey, but hopefully some guys will be able to provide insight for what they are seeing in that area.


Staff member
This sucks. It's not even fun. Seriously. I can only enjoy watching so many sunrises/sets, birds, squirrels, etc. before I begin to hate life. It blows my mind how God awful slow it has been for me this year. Ain't seen shit all morning...