The word on the street is it was supposed to be a tight compact rut this year. I will say this... If Alshiemer and the Drurys are right with their moon theory this year, I'm sold on it from here on out. This is the strangest two week stretch of hunting I have ever had. Where I am headed tonight, if I don't see deer, then there wasn't a deer to move on a near 40 acre chunk of ground. If it is that dead on a cold November 5th day, I'm either cursed, someone is fuggin' with me, or I'm the worst hunter ever...
That. Or there is something to this whole "rutting moon" stuff...
Well what a bust today was, don't get me wrong I enjoyed being out ... All 8.5 hours of it, couldn't go any more.... Back, legs and neck was all twisted up.... Got down and hobbled too the truck... Busted a flock of turkeys close too the truck and that was it for the day.... If the rut is on the deer around here musta missed the memo.... lmao..... Don't know if I'm heading out in the morning, might sleep in (first time in 10 days) and head out for a late morning all afternoon hunt... We'll see what the body tells me in the morning... In the meam time a coup[le of Yuenglings are going too get dropped this afternoon :smiley_clap:..... I've got a nother post about what happened this morning don't want too sidetrack this thread with it....
Don't forget the time change tonight. that might make your body tell you "no" also.
Ugghhh. This rut is a turd. Still no shots on a deer in 5 hunts. Gonna head out now. Man am I hoping to see something. At this point, I'll shoot a fork horn.
I am locked in with Monday and Tuesday being my hunting vacation days.. hopefully my morning buck sightings stays good.. just need the 120"s to turn into 160"s![]()
Ugghhh. This rut is a turd. Still no shots on a deer in 5 hunts. Gonna head out now. Man am I hoping to see something. At this point, I'll shoot a fork horn.