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It's on... Rut stories


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Things are starting to heat up a little up here.. Got these pictures the other day, wish it would be during daylight, but this doe is looking to be coming into her own here. 40mins after she peed, this 9pt decided he was going to claim her and the spot :)



Senior Member
Athens County
This sucks. It's not even fun. Seriously. I can only enjoy watching so many sunrises/sets, birds, squirrels, etc. before I begin to hate life. It blows my mind how God awful slow it has been for me this year. Ain't seen shit all morning...

Calm down man. Sounds like you need an early morning safety break. Hang tough


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Does that qualify as hillbillyvoodoo?

Just kidding man. That shit made me laugh earlier in the thread,

You are doggone right Gordo! If I need to do some Redneck hillbilly voodoo deer dance to put Willy/Deerburger and the rest of you guys onto some deer I will do it! I can't imagine a better bunch I would be more willing to make a fool out of myself for! Get after them today guys! Willy, do you have my cell number? Shoot me a text if it is working! lol


Staff member
Calm down man. Sounds like you need an early morning safety break. Hang tough

It helped...

The wind switched, so I yanked the stand. Headed back to the house for lunch. Gonna wash some camo, shoot the bow, and watch a little football. Back in the stand by 2:30 on a point overlooking our creek bottom. It's been a great staging area in the past. So that means it'll suck ass tonight...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I just got this feeling that when it pops this year it's gonna explode.
So many guys are seeing it sooo dang slow....something is about to explode. Explode I say....


Staff member
The word on the street is it was supposed to be a tight compact rut this year. I will say this... If Alshiemer and the Drurys are right with their moon theory this year, I'm sold on it from here on out. This is the strangest two week stretch of hunting I have ever had. Where I am headed tonight, if I don't see deer, then there wasn't a deer to move on a near 40 acre chunk of ground. If it is that dead on a cold November 5th day, I'm either cursed, someone is fuggin' with me, or I'm the worst hunter ever...

That. Or there is something to this whole "rutting moon" stuff...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Six hours on stand not one deer moving....I ain't getting down till I see a friggin deer..... or I have to answer the call of nature lol....


Tatonka guide.
all i have to say is MUUUHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! what a flippin morning..:pickle:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Dad got out for the first time this year. Had a buck come in below him thrashing trees and working scrapes. He hit the grunt call a few times, and the buck came to him on a string. There was no doubt he was a shooter, so he goes to full draw with the deer at 30y and can't see out his peep. Let's down and clears the grass seed out of it and draws again, this time getting busted. He is pretty sure the buck was a big 14pt. the neighbor has on trail cam, probably close to 22" wide and big. Dad sounds pretty hummed about it, but who wouldn't be. I'm headed up to hunt with him tomorrow and Monday and taking the video cam. Should be interesting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looking for details from Milo!

Keep after it Jesse!

I road scouted last night seeing 14 deer within a 1/2-3/4mile stretch of my main hunting grounds this year. Not a single buck? :smiley_chinrub:
When the switch flips, I will continue to do what I have been doing: Hunting does! Where the does goes the bucks nose follows!