Greg and I covered about 3 miles yesterday on a shed hunt/scouting mission on a big farm we have hunted off and on for the past few years. I only hunted this particular farm once this year and had to deal with some dipshit from WV, which seems to be par for the course on this farm. We found a handful of treestands yesterday and one display of hunting prowess unmatched elsewhere. Poke a hole it the bottom, hang it 20 yards from your tree, then sit back and wait!
While we were scouting an area of the farm we both feel holds some good deer, we stumbled across this monster...
We did not find any sheds, but we found a handful of decent rubs. This first rub is a sign post that has been hit 5-6 years in a row...
This one was less than 100 yards from the one above...
I should have used something for size reference on this one as it was much better than it appears in the pic...
We also happened by the site of some heart ache for me on the 4th day of the season last year...
You can tell by the angle and the fact that this is 20' up the tree, that I was no where near the deer when my release went off. It still haunts me to this day and will for years to come. I'd still love to know what happened to that deer!!!