Kevin, I like the Infinity. Nice bow. However, I gotta ask, who the hell is gonna send me parts when it breaks? What is the point in starting a new company every other year? Do you really just lend youre expertise to companies for a time, design a few lines and move on? Seems like a pile of BS to me... I would NEVER put my name on a bow line that I didn't OWN, which btw, it was my understanding that you did own Strother, along with Brian. I was never that tightly in that loop, that's just the impression I was given. So anyway, I'm just curious, why all the bouncing around? Wouldn't life be much easier if you would just stay put and design,build,and sell bows instead of putting yourself in a position to "set the record straight" every couple of years? You design good bows, but I personally won't buy one...not until I see your latest and greatest company is going to be in business long enough to supply replacement parts!