Got your point Kat but the "wrong" GW will nail ya on who's name is on the name tag. If your name is on the tag then you set it and if it was "loaned" to the landowner his name should/needs to be on the tag. If there's no tag at all there's no defense no matter who set or was loaned to who. Do what ya like..just sayin':very good point vette, but here is the loop hole , i trap nuisence animals for a guy , the landowner can claim the traps as thier own and adam is just a steward for the land owner, it works for any nuisence animal , we talked to our g w about it cause they guy i trap for works alot and doesnt have time to set the traps and check em every 24 hours , the traps i use , were baught by me but "loaned " to the land owner