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Live from Louisiana

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker

TD taking a bathroom break while working tonight!😂


Ragin Cajun.
So now that I have a coop full of chicken....30 at this time but some of them, 5-6 roosters will become supper. I’ve just invested in a incubator and just ordered 110 courtnix jumbo quail. My intentions is to have quail to eat and pickled quail eggs. Anyone that has raised quail, I’d appreciate any advice.
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Ragin Cajun.
Got everything up to spec. Just finished putting them in. They will stay in for 14 full days at 99.5 degrees w 40-50% humidity. My unit has an auto turner so I won’t have to turn eggs.

After the 14 days I will take out the auto turner and lock it down. When I start hearing chicks I will keep it closed for 3 more days. Hopefully I have a successful hatch.

Till then I will need to work on a brooder and then pens. Figure I will have $500 beans in startup cost. Let the time go quick lol.


Ragin Cajun.
Are you doing this just for the eggs or do you plan on releasing some in your hunting area?...or both?

No pen raised quail won’t make it in the wild. These are Coturnix jumbo quail. My plan is to harvest eggs and pickle them in crab boil and have quail to eat. These quail get 13-15 oz.

Gonna split my brooder pen for chickens and add 4’. This will give me 6 pens that are 4x3. I’m figuring 15-18 birds per pen. Being at 4 hens and a rooster ratio. Best case scenario I am hoping to have 100 hatch, of course it will be somewhere of a 50/50 split between hens and roosters. If so I will grow out 40 rooster for the table right from the start.


Ragin Cajun.
Yesterday Hunter put a cam out to see what’s behind the house. Dumped some corn and came back. At dark a small hog come out and later a doe. He’s using spypoint micro lte cams that sends pics.

This morning at 7 am the hog showed up aging and the doe around 9:30. Doe came back at 11:30. He got home from work and said the hog will see his last evening. I laughed and said ok. He grabbed his climber and went out. I got a pic of him checking his cam and later got a pic w nothing on the pic. I texted him and asked why it took a pic. He replied it’s the hog and passed underneath it. Wife was walking her dog in the back while I sat by the pool w Pearl. We heard a noise and she said what’s that and I said the hog just died. 15 minutes later he walks out w all his hunting gear dragging a 40 something pounder. He’s trying to get a head start on the real killa lol.


Ragin Cajun.
My neighbor property, friend of mine is coming up in the morning to cut and put a stand up. Got all the boys up and we will help him as he texted me and said he broke is foot. After I will use his tractor and cut my lanes and plots. Just might move a tower to set up in another place and buy a better one to replace it.

It’s good to be away where I love to be. I needed a break from the hectic world and troubles in life. Arrived right before 10 tonight boys were already up and went frogging w flashlights and a stick to stun them. Came back with around 30 or so. They left again to hit up another couple spots. They needed the Atv’s to get to them that I towed here. Will update w pics tomorrow.


Ragin Cajun.
They ended up with 50 something frogs.

Woke up this morning and met my neighbor at my gate. Helped him set up his new stand on the property adjacent to mine. His cutting was done so he told me to use his tractor to cut mine. I started at 11 and finished at 4. Feel like I been ran over by a train and also dehydrated. Took a show and some alieve.

My other buddy hung out at his camp and cooked us a fine meal. See dinner thread. We hanging out by the fire now.