Nothing going on here yet, just feels good to be out , even with my fingers freezing a bit as I type. Never would have guessed that a few days ago... lol.
I'm in. I got up a bit later than I expected. God, it is fantastic out here. Had two does come basically under my stand while I was setting up the Ozonics. Right down wind. Must be doing something right. Unfortunately, it's too loud of a tree (shagbark hickory) to set up the camera gear. So no footage tonight unless I'm trailing one
In. K's first night out. Overlooking my favorite oak flat and there's plenty of good laying out there. We practiced our game faces before we left the barn.
She'll be 6 on New Years. She was still 2 on her first hunt. Shot a doe that night and she's been hooked. She sat in this same blind in single digit weather at 4 when my wife shot her biggest buck. Kid is a trooper.