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LIVE from the stand 2020-21


Junior Member
Well i played it too conservative this morning and blew my chance at my target buck. I was trying not to get busted by two does and i heard a deer walking in directly behind me but was too nervous to turn around because It was so still out. Sure enough it was my big 9pt. Hung up ay and 30 yds and eventually walked in to 25 without a thing i could do. I finally was able to grab my bow but he trotted off 10 yds where i couldnt shoot and walked up the hollow to chase does and out of my life ugh. Then i stupidly passed up easily the biggest deer I've let walk this afternoon waiting on the big 9 that didn't show. It was a beautiful 4 or 5 yr old 10pt that bedded down at 40 yds for a half hour. Awesome and sickening day all at the same time.


Ragin Cajun.
I decided I needed a mental break from deer hunting so some buddy's from the station and I went duck hunting in Sandusky bay. Shot a few. Missed a lot [emoji23] Good enough for fours guys with two brand new hunters! Most fun I've had hunting all year!

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Y’all shoot and eat mergansers?
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Active Member
The Flatlands
Well that was weird. Had a small doe come busting out of a thick wood line and head straight across the field west towards me, running tail down. Stopped at 50 and looked behind her, then the north and then ran straight back to where she came from, stopped at the edge then turned straight south and bolted with her tail up, assuming she went back into the bedding area. Wtf!? Maybe a coyote spooked her? Wind is S currently, so there’s no way she could wind me, unless the milkweed is lying lol.
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Big H

Senior Member
Not my preferred way to hunt either but sometimes you have no choice. Last year I killed my buck out of a blind and it was the same scenario. I wasn’t allowed to climb a ladder since I had surgery. I think that I may have killed the biggest buck taken in Ohio last year by a man with a catheter.