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Live from the stand!

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Heard the deepest grunt I've ever heard. It sounded fake. I grunted back and he ran his doe my way. They stayed in a thicket behind and wouldn't come out. Never got a good look at the rack but he was big.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County

Mid morning snack



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Home with a terrible infection in my left eye. Looks like I got punched. Anyway... watching the field behind my house from my porch. 2 doe and a button buck feeding. Keep waiting to see a buck emerge from the woods
I told you to quit playing with your poop! Lol hope it gets better! Good luck fellas, I'm going to go out and check Trail cams soon!


Junior Member
Lake County
I'm heading out shortly. Didn't get to hunt all weekend as I was out of state again. Saw a nice buck from the house last night though. Hoping to connect tonight. Good luck fellas.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Congrats on the BB Nathan......

Good luck with the eye infection Mike....

Back at the house, nothing moved this morning and I promised the wife I'd be home to vote with her this evening.... Doing some chores for the remainder of the day....

I did hear what I thought was a drone flying around, as I was walking out, the property owner said stop by the house.... He had a guy fly a drone overhead of the farm and take pictures..... They turned out pretty good, glad I wasn't imagining the sound lol....

Tomorrow is another day.....


Junior Member
dunn nc
Sit in a stand with little expectation as there logging it, First light had a small doe under me , then about twenty min later two does came out and fed for twenty- thirty min, then a little spike came in.
After they left, about 45 min later heard running no grunting, looked to my left, saw a doe with a small 6pt dogging her.
Watched him breed her, then they just stood there not moving except him twitching his tail, looked like she was locked up and couldn;t walk.
THEN i heard all kind of shit happening and out walks a ten about 100/115 inches of antler, bulldoged the small 6,(he checked out) walked over to the doe witch hadn't moved and preceded to rape her.
First time i have ever seen deer porn while sitting on stand. Did not hear a single grunt.
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