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Live from the stand!

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Good luck everyone! I wish I could get out :( we got our first blanket of snow this morning and it's coming down hard here in Geauga county and should for the next 24 hours, I am going to get out tomorrow all day and hunt over the plot/bait area.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck ajupsman. Hope you get some meat to take home with you.

Good luck to all! Some of the best encounters and most mature Ohio bucks will be killed in the second half of November.


Junior Member
Back in same stand, had a small 9 come in early. Next buck through is a buck the neighbor told me they saw last week. I'm talking a Slaunch of a buck. Its a long disgusting story, I missed him! Shot was right under him. Not a minute after he is out of sight Big Goofy walks out but goes up and over. Awesome, awesome encounter and I am thankful it was a unquestionable miss and I didn't wound him. My line was perfect just low....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck ajupsman. Hope you get some meat to take home with you.

Good luck to all! Some of the best encounters and most mature Ohio bucks will be killed in the second half of November.

That's a fact!

I enjoyed a nice sit this morning. By that I mean I sat in a tree, absolutely bored out of my mind wishing I was somewhere else, anywhere really. Burn out is setting in. Back at it this afternoon most likely. They gotta start moving good again eventually.

When I got home I wanted to see a deer so bad that I walked out in our little woods to see what I could jump. 2 does, but I was glad to see them. Funny thing is, my bride had just left for town and could have hit them on the road...glad she did not as she would never forgive me for that.


Junior Member
Thanks, my buddy was in stand next to me and was supposed to be running camera. He said when heard me say "Don't F'ing move!" He looked up and was afraid to turn cam on so we didn't get video of it but at least he was here to see it all! I'll never live this one down.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
You guys are more hardcore than me. I have been getting skunked in the morning and evening hunts so can't bring myself to sit all day, lol. Went out for the first 2 hours this morning and I will be out for the last 2 today. Then probably tomorrow and over the weekend same thing. Back to work for me on Monday so it will mostly just be morning hunts here and there through the week. Still have not seen anything that resembles the rut from my blind or stand. Not letting it get me down though, finally decided to chill out and just have fun with it and enjoy my time in the woods. I have until the end of the season for a buck and the freezer has meat in it.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang the luck! Hopefully he'll be back around and give you another chance. That's a sick feeling, but it happens.
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