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no joke please read and spread the word

as of january 6th it is illegal to sell , buy , trade reptilia in ohio , consisting of crocodylia (aligators ) boidea (constrictors ) and many other reptiles john kasich passed a emergency law that now makes buying selling and trading of these pets along with many other animals beside reptiles , it is now illegal to own more then 10 dogs in ohio and animals will be uethenized on site

come on guys this is only the beginning more laws are in the works to be passed including the owning of fish as pets . birds and 5 cities across the country has already banned owning and selling of cats and dogs




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Hey, do some research! This law was signed by Strickland as one of his last actions. Want proof? Gov. Kasich didn't take office until Jan. 10th, 2011


Senior Member
Hey, do some research! This law was signed by Strickland as one of his last actions. Want proof? Gov. Kasich didn't take office until Jan. 10th, 2011

Ahhh, the rare moments where we agree completely on politics! The FACTS! lol


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Iam ok with people not being able to own more than 10 cats or dogs in ohio......

How many times do you hear about some person who has 30 cats and they are running amuck in the neighborhoods and stuff. Its rediculous. or someone owning a bunch of dogs that are sickly and not well taken care of because their are so many?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Boy.. This is full of wrong information. The law took effect January 6th. Kasich took office on the 10th.

Furthermore the Emergency executive order is only effective for 90 days

Big red flags should have went up when it said "uethenized on site"... Existing animals would simply have to be registered with the state and prohibited from breeding.

As for Stricklands "all about Sportsmen" campaign. He sure was working closely with the HSUS to get this done. As it was a HSUS initiative. A deal brokered to keep the ballot initiative for "Companion pets and livestock care" off the ballot.. If Strickland passed the EO, the HSUS would not pursue the ballot initiative. (for now)

However Kasich said...

He isn;t sure about the law, but it's worth looking at.. Ohio has one of the weakest laws concerning exotic animals.
i didnt agree with most of strickland either , the big picture here is it is now illegal to sell buy trade most reptiles in ohio , i do believe there needs to be more laws on importing and exporting of exotic species as for the law on more then 10 dogs from what my friend that works for the department of agriculture has heard from her higher ups is that that law concering more then 10 dogs is in the works , i know alot of coon hunters that have more then 10 dogs


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I hate to be one of those people who says: "Hey, it doesn't effect me, so I don't care..." but this would be one of those things. If they banned the ownership of reptiles in Ohio, my life would carry on without a hitch. However, as a Libertarian, I fully support your rights to own reptiles and support you in your fight for what you believe in. But I'm not going to sign to the mountain tops about it either. I have my own thoughts about having dangerous animals in private residence, especially with children. However, people should have a right to pursue their interests in life and this is a far cry from automatic weapons or WMD's...
but this is the foot in the door that peta and other groups need , and it puts alot of people in ohio out of work , the reptile industry is a multi billion dollar industry in ohio , not only for the selling of reptiles but stuff you need to kep reptiles such as tanks , lighting , food , i could have reworded my original post but i was kinda pissed when i heard about it this morning


Dignitary Member
Staff member
i didnt agree with most of strickland either , the big picture here is it is now illegal to sell buy trade most reptiles in ohio , i do believe there needs to be more laws on importing and exporting of exotic species as for the law on more then 10 dogs from what my friend that works for the department of agriculture has heard from her higher ups is that that law concering more then 10 dogs is in the works , i know alot of coon hunters that have more then 10 dogs

IMO If a coon hunter has more than 5 dogs he's a dog jockey, not a coon hunter. You know the guys.. Sit around chewing backey and lying about their dogs looking to swap or barter. But you drop em out the box and they're a bunch of counterfeits.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I could care less if a person has a 100 cat/dogs. If they are taken care of, properly housed and not a nuisance why should anyone care? Same with the reptiles, big cats, wolves...
i know the ones your talking bout , but this is still rediculous , they ban certian reptiles for now whats gonna stop em from banning the keeping of exotic birds , or rodents like hamsters and gerbils , and just work thier way up from there , this may be small now but its gonna get bigger , i should have done more research on who passed it , maybe i should have turned this into a venting thread .....lol hopefully after the 90 days this thing dies off


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
but this is the foot in the door that peta and other groups need , and it puts alot of people in ohio out of work , the reptile industry is a multi billion dollar industry in ohio , not only for the selling of reptiles but stuff you need to kep reptiles such as tanks , lighting , food , i could have reworded my original post but i was kinda pissed when i heard about it this morning

Wow! I had no idea it was that biglmao


*Hims a Super Moderator*
I know some people whose brainz are so small they doan know dey slither - :smiley_baby::smiley_baby::smiley_baby::smiley_baby::smiley_baby::smiley_baby: