After a very rocky start to a few days off for hunting, I am happily settled in a tree in the north woods. The original plan was to solo hunt public land in southern Ohio, but a leaking fuel line and lack of repair shops made me turn around and head towards home. My dad was planning on hunting up norf since he already filled his OH buck tag and asked me if I wanted to go up with him, and who was I to say no to sharing camp with just my dad for the first time in 10+ years. We stopped and got my license and tags on the way up and after a handful of hours we were at our site and got camp setup. I got up early and essentially am hunting blind going off of what he told me and looking at the map. A lot of the oaks got killed up here by some type of moth, and I am in one that didn’t get hit so I am hoping for some type of action, fingers crossed. Service is reasonable up here so I am hoping to keep this thread updated.