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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%


Staff member
Yeah, that's BS Jesse.

But for a kid to kill 11 or 12 deer there must be deer there to be had......somewhere.

Not BS. I believe it. Don't fool yourself in to thinking that is not really happening because it is. And when you have 15 guys driving thousands of acres from daylight to dark for 7 straight days, then two more (bonus), then two more (it happens in youth season), then four more muzzy), you can stack up the bodies in a hurry even if the deer numbers are down. Killing 10+ deer are year is not an impossible feat...


Tatonka guide.
true story here..talked with guys that just slug hunt around here and they have access to probably 2000 acres and ALL they do is drive for a week straight..i talked one of them after slug and their usual haul is around 30 deer...they took 8
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Not BS. I believe it. Don't fool yourself in to thinking that is not really happening because it is. And when you have 15 guys driving thousands of acres from daylight to dark for 7 straight days, then two more (bonus), then two more (it happens in youth season), then four more muzzy), you can stack up the bodies in a hurry even if the deer numbers are down. Killing 10+ deer are year is not an impossible feat...

No, I am totally agreeing with you that it's BS.....not doubting it one bit.

I would be willing to bet if I was given open reigns and unlimited tags that I could kill 20 deer in a season using legal methods......there isn't a doubt in my mind I could do it.


Staff member
No, I am totally agreeing with you that it's BS.....not doubting it one bit.

I would be willing to bet if I was given open reigns and unlimited tags that I could kill 20 deer in a season using legal methods......there isn't a doubt in my mind I could do it.

I got ya! One of those lost in translation things there...

My eyes have really been opened in the past 4-5 years to party hunting and just in the past few months, poaching. Party hunting is a tradition here and it is not something people try to hard. It is another reason I feel Tele-check will cause more harm than good. Tele-check is a party hunters dream!!!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Doesn't matter if you hunt 1 day or 30 days Joe........a tag filled is a tag filled. Personally I prefer not to kill a deer everytime I enter the woods. There are plenty of hard core hunters up here, the only difference is most of the guys up here still have some of their teethlmao

And kill numbers over a length of time certainly could help you determine deer population. If there are over 4,000 deer killed in a given area over a length of say 10 years, then the numbers are being sustained IMO.

Damn man! Tell me you aren't that dumb. Lol. Really? Really? THAT has been the whole point all along! It's the difference in staring at leaves for a month or seeing and enjoying deer. In your example it the difference in 30 days of hunting nothing and 1 day of hunting something. A tag filled is not a tag filled if it takes you 30x the amount of time it did 4 yers ago. That's called bullshit. Play dumb like you don't see the point all you want. The point is blatantly obvious.

And as for the "period of time" theory. Washington county has decreased harvest for 4 consecutive seasons and is down over 30%. The only county in Ohio to have that long of a consecutive decrease. Yet nothing is being done to stop it.. If its such a viable metric why is it business as usual while 1/3 of their deer have disappeared?
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I may be dumb but I'm not stupid......... I can tell you this though, if it is as bad as you say and continues to get worse, then won't there be fewer and fewer guys deer hunting because they are tired of staring at walnuts and shooting at squirrels with their bows?.......


Tatonka guide.
I may be dumb but I'm not stupid......... I can tell you this though, if it is as bad as you say and continues to get worse, then won't there be fewer and fewer guys deer hunting because they are tired of staring at walnuts and shooting at squirrels with their bows?.......

Not necessarily...where jesse lives is a tradition...hell they call off school for a couple days down there because of it. They will however spend less time with the less efficient weapon


Staff member
I may be dumb but I'm not stupid......... I can tell you this though, if it is as bad as you say and continues to get worse, then won't there be fewer and fewer guys deer hunting because they are tired of staring at walnuts and shooting at squirrels with their bows?.......

I know a guy who is tired of staring and walnuts and shooting at squirrels with his bow. And he is not alone. Just sayin...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I know a guy who is tired of staring and walnuts and shooting at squirrels with his bow. And he is not alone. Just sayin...

Yeah, but if that guy killed a 140-160" buck I bet the pain and suffering wouldn't hurt as bad.......:smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I may be dumb but I'm not stupid......... I can tell you this though, if it is as bad as you say and continues to get worse, then won't there be fewer and fewer guys deer hunting because they are tired of staring at walnuts and shooting at squirrels with their bows?.......

Perhaps some of them. But most will still hunt, they will just put in tons more extra time and effort. Even with less deer you can still kill the same to a point. 4 out of 15 or 4 out of 10. All I need is more shotgun season, more time in the field, and more corn piles.. The harvest numbers will likely fall while time afield increases. Eventually you reach a point where you kill more than regenerates. Wala a 30% reduction. Give me enough time in the jungle and ill eventually kill a rare silverback gorilla too. That or they will bowhunt less but gun hunt like hell.. If they do quit its nice to see how our dnr would be so detrimental to the sport. Way to conserve the heritage there. Guess its shows us yet again where the majority of their allegiance lies. They suits that buy them lunch and talk about risk mitigation.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Perhaps some of them. But most will still hunt, they will just put in tons more extra time and effort. Even with less deer you can still kill the same to a point. 4 out of 15 or 4 out of 10. All I need is more shotgun season, more time in the field, and more corn piles.. The harvest numbers will likely fall while time afield increases. Eventually you reach a point where you kill more than regenerates. Wala a 30% reduction. Give me enough time in the jungle and ill eventually kill a rare silverback gorilla too. That or they will bowhunt less but gun hunt like hell.. If they do quit its nice to see how our dnr would be so detrimental to the sport. Way to conserve the heritage there. Guess its shows us yet again where the majority of their allegiance lies. They suits that buy them lunch and talk about risk mitigation.



Staff member
Yeah, but if that guy killed a 140-160" buck I bet the pain and suffering wouldn't hurt as bad.......:smiley_bril:

Perhaps. But I still like to see deer when I hunt. Killing a big buck while staring at leaves is boredom with a bit of excitement. I want to eliminate the boredom. If not for me, but for the future of the sport...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yeah, but if that guy killed a 140-160" buck I bet the pain and suffering wouldn't hurt as bad.......:smiley_bril:

Wrong... Lol.. I killed one.. I'm still pissed... I liked shooting a big deer.. But more than anything I like killing and eating deer. Period. I like hunting all deer not just A deer. I like seeing deer, not just the one im looking for. i want to shoot one with a recurve. Not just a trophy buck by any legal means. I want to hang a stand and see deer, not leaves and squirrels for 4 days. I want to take my boy out one day and not have to tell him the stories about when deer were plentiful to pass the days of his boredom. If I only got to shoot a nice buck once every 6 years and had the chance to wack 5-6 does a year I would be happy as a pig in shit. I'm a deer hunter, not a single deer hunter. And I think the majority are too.
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Staff member
Wrong... Lol.. I killed one.. I'm still pissed... I liked shooting a big deer.. But more than anything I like killing deer. Period. I like hunting all deer not just A deer. I like seeing deer, not just the one im looking for. i want to shoot one with a recurve. Not just a trophy buck by any legal means. If I only got to shoot a nice buck once every 6 years and had the chance to wack 5-6 does a year I would be happy as a pig in shit. I'm a deer hunter, not a single deer hunter. And I think the majority are too.

Fucking right doggy! That's how I roll right there!!! :smiley_clap:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Wrong... Lol.. I killed one.. I'm still pissed... I liked shooting a big deer.. But more than anything I like killing and eating deer. Period. I like hunting all deer not just A deer. I like seeing deer, not just the one im looking for. i want to shoot one with a recurve. Not just a trophy buck by any legal means. I want to hang a stand and see deer, not leaves and squirrels for 4 days. I want to take my boy out one day and not have to tell him the stories about when deer were plentiful to pass the days of his boredom. If I only got to shoot a nice buck once every 6 years and had the chance to wack 5-6 does a year I would be happy as a pig in shit. I'm a deer hunter, not a single deer hunter. And I think the majority are too.

Move to Michigan, especially the UP. You will see deer alright. Smartest fucking deer in North America too, I will bet on that. Aren't you from the deep south originally? Don't they have just a shithouse full of little deer running loose down there? Bag limits like 1 or 2 PER DAY?
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Move to Michigan, especially the UP. You will see deer alright. Smartest fucking deer in North America too, I will bet on that.

Oh, i see.... So as long as your horn porn Isn't harmed the rest of us who just enjoy hunting can fuck off and move if we don't like staring at leaves. Nice... way to go sportsman.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Oh, i see.... So as long as your horn porn Isn't harmed the rest of us who just enjoy hunting can fuck off and move if we don't like staring at leaves. Nice... way to go sportsman.

Eeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssyyyyyyyyy TIGER LOL!

There are no big bucks where I hunt anymore. Let me rephrase that, go hunt in Michigan and South Carolina...you will see plenty of deer but the quality of deer sucks as compared to what Ohio has RIGHT NOW.


around Toledo
I grew up in Wood and Sandusky counties in the 70's and 80's most of the area is what I call patch woods, (40 ti 60 acre lots) most of my buddies did the drive hunting thing (most still do) If 8 guys were hunting together and 2 or 3 of them got a deer it was considered a good year (still is).
I hunted down south quite a few years and still go down every now and then, but most of my hunting is done on my own property now in western Lucas.
I guess what I am saying is deer hunting in Ohio is completely different depending on where you do it.

I've heard from my buddies down south and from williams county that deer were tough to see. I have issues with how the metro parks are buying up all the land around me and closing it up to hunting, the deer are here they just don't get moved around as much as they used to. (I could go on a rant but I won't right now)

Good luck getting things changed

ok back to lurking ;)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Eeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssyyyyyyyyy TIGER LOL!

There are no big bucks where I hunt anymore. Let me rephrase that, go hunt in Michigan and South Carolina...you will see plenty of deer but the quality of deer sucks as compared to what Ohio has RIGHT NOW.

Got ya... :) But you see my point. In 10 years I don't want to sit in my blind telling my kid about how Ohio used to be awesome and we saw deer all the time. We're seeing counties with massive reduction in just a couple years. What's their plan? How low do they go? I don't know.. But it's obvious there is a goal. And for them not to put a number or statement behind it should be enough to worry anyone.. Usually when people don't tell you stuff it's because they know you'll flip.