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Official 2011 TOO Turkey Competition

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
rrr, red, or jack, cross my name off and put Ric in my place. He deserves a spot in the competition more than I do and is more likely to help the team out than myself. Don't argue, just do it.

You and Jesse can hunt together your bonus points lol


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I think counting the score of 1 bird for 2 people is kind of jacked up.

How so?

If two members on separate teams hunt together, why should one be penalized for their teamwork?

It was done so that nobody is slighted by sharing or helping someone else. In reality it doesn't hurt them or anyone else a bit..

Here is an example... Say Huck and his two team members have scored. But you have been struggling the entire season and have yet to score for your team. Huck knowing he has plenty of birds may be hesitant to invite you over to hunt.. It would hurt him in the competition and quite likely tie the two teams....

However, if huck can also get credit for the bird he called in for you.. Why not invite you up.. Actually he now has an incentive to invite you up rather than a penalty.. You both got the points for the cross team assist, and you got the joy and satisfaction of harvesting a bird. Where without it.. Huck may not have invited you at all because he didn't want to hurt his chance of winning.

It was done to not only foster people hunting together... But to also maybe entice someone into inviting someone... And when you have guys inviting guys to hunt and share the outdoors together it's always a good thing.. Bonds of friendship can be made online.. But nothing solidifies that like inviting someone over to hunt and helping them shoot a bird in the face..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I like the tag-team bonus incentive... gives guys a reason to try and hunt together a little bit. Plus, who really gives a shit, it's mostly for fun anyways! :smiley_coolpeace:


*Supporting Member III*
So let me get this straight...Deerburger and I took out a first time hunter yesterday. We called a bird in, she smoked it. SO, we should post the pic in here and we both get "bonus bird" points for our teams?


*Supporting Member*
No, Im not dropping out. I just think we should try to help get the other guy a bird and not play the welfar game. Everyone that knows me knows I am all for getting new blood and young people in the woods (been doing it for the last 25yrs). I just think the shooters bird should be just that, there bird. But its fine, just never seen it done like this. But just so I understand this right, If I invite Huckleberry over here it hunt with me and we both kill a bird, his team gets his bird and my bird as a bonus, and my team gets my bird and his bird as a bonus?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
No, Im not dropping out. I just think we should try to help get the other guy a bird and not play the welfar game. Everyone that knows me knows I am all for getting new blood and young people in the woods (been doing it for the last 25yrs). I just think the shooters bird should be just that, there bird. But its fine, just never seen it done like this. But just so I understand this right, If I invite Huckleberry over here it hunt with me and we both kill a bird, his team gets his bird and my bird as a bonus, and my team gets my bird and his bird as a bonus?

Claim it either way yall like man... The bottom line is each person may only claim
1 bonus bird
1 regular bird
1 youth bonus...

Don't over analyze it.....
If you hunt with a member here from an opposite team. You may both claim said bird as a bonus. Or 1 can claim as his regular, and the other can claim as a bonus. Claim that bird how you like..

If you are on the same team, only 1 person (the shooter) has the option to either claim it as his bonus or his regular...

If you go out by yourself and shoot 2 birds. You still don't have a bonus bird that you can claim. As you didn;t get it done with another member.....

Example.. You and Huck

1. You are both participating here in the contest. Check.
2. And are on separate teams. Check

Day 1
You and Huck hunt together and have success... He may claim said bird as his 1 regular bird and you get your bonus... OR... You may both claim that bird as your 1 bonus bird..

Say you both claimed it as your bonus bird... You both still have 1 regular bird each you can claim... (you could both hunt separate and kill your regular birds now)

But say you hunt together the next day again..... You are so kind as to let him be the shooter again... And the lucky SOB scores again... Neither of you can claim that bird for another bonus.. limit 1... But he may claim it as his regular bird.

Hucks tagged out... Your turn. He calls and you shoot this time... BANG.. you just killed your regular bird...

Both of you have your

1 bonus bird
1 regular bird


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Here is another scenario.........

I have killed my regular bird
JD has killed his regular bird

(We are both participating and are on separate teams.)

JD calls me on Friday and says "Hey man, what do you say we hunt tomorrow and get our bonus bird"

We hunt Saturday morning together.. Success bird down... We both claim our bonus bird..


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Another Scenario....

TripleA88 has killed his bird....
I have not
(We are both participating and are on separate teams.)

Him really wanting his bonus bird calls me up and says "Hey man, what do you say we hunt tomorrow"

Success.. Bird down... If I shot the bird, i have the option as claiming it as my regular bird, or my bonus bird.. Either way, he has his bonus bird for taking me hunting.

If he shot the bird, we can both claim it as our bonus.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Got it.lol. Sorry, just never seen it done this way. SO WHO NEEDS A PLACE TO KILL A TANK? lol

That's the spirit... Just trying to foster huntership. Yeah i just made that up. lol..

While we are all sportsmen, we also have a competitive side. I didn't want the competitiveness to make anyone feel the slightest bit hesitant to invite someone. In fact i wanted to foster that huntership... While i believe we all would anyway. This just sweetens the pot for actually doing it.. :)


Staff member
Got it.lol. Sorry, just never seen it done this way. SO WHO NEEDS A PLACE TO KILL A TANK? lol

That's the esssence of this forum. We do things the way no one else has done them before, it's what makes TOO different. Glad to see you're going to stick with the competition. Jack did a great job summing up the thought process behind the bonus bird. Hopefully it's something that provides our members with a lot of great memories!!!