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Ohio Abduction case.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nuts! Just nuts all around.

I think he looks more like Stitch


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So I try to call the old lady today to let her know just to give her a heads up. She didn't answer the phone so I stopped by this evening. No answer. Walked across the road talk to her son. He answered the door. I introduced myself and tried to shake his hand. Nothing. I let him know the situation, was very polite about it and said I tried to call her today to give her a heads up that the sheriffs department would probably show up. I asked if she passed and he said she did. I gave my condolences. He responds. "Well if that happens in the future mind your business, and I'll call the sheriff on my own farm". I just looked at him stunned and replied. "I don't reckon you have a right to tell me who I can and can't call regarding a criminal case when I have a lead. It's a pretty serious situation and that might help". I came out here friendly to talk to your mother and let her know after trying to call her today. I just wanted to let you know since I couldn't reach her. He started getting pissy telling me it was none of my business. I responded "a 14 year old girl has been abducted by a man that camped on your property and I know about it. That's IS my fucking business! "I'll call the pope if I think it'll help." I turned to walk away then turned around and said "you know. I came out here on friendly terms just to let you know. Seems like being an asshole ran in the family"

So yeah. I told a guy him and his dead mother were a couple of assholes today.

Worthless no job having drunk.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Did you get hunting permission while you were there?

That was the goal. Lol Should have known better. That tree that was in his moms yard for months and literally right across the road from his house. He's a drunk. Can't hold a job. Unemployment milker. Just lazy.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nevermind the 14yr old girl who was abducted. The son: "You just screwed up my day of drinking. Mind your own business Jumanji hunter."


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Joe, how far from where they live/were to the place you are talking about?

From where she lived the property it's about 5 miles. But yesterday they found his rental car abandoned about 15 miles away on the south side of town and a motel room they might have been staying in. The sheriff says they're broke and on foot and he thinks someone helped them. This property would be a great place for him and her to get dropped off on as the deceased owners son is a drunk and would never walk the 400 yards back to the hay barns and he knows the property like the back of his hand.