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Ohio Abduction case.


Staff member
To diverge a bit..

I used to park in the same spot under our dorm my sophomore year at OU. Same spot, everyone knew my car. One night we come back and this fugly chick who drove a 1994 Olds sedan with vanity plates saying "AMBERRY" was parked in my spot. We proceeded to get shitty and about 3AM, the light bulb went off about the same time the shit alarm went off. I got up on the bumper and left a massive pile in the middle of her hood. I never had anyone park in my spot again... lmao


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Here is a picture off the news yesterday from where they searched the farm. To all those that don't believe in black helicopters. How about unmarked, no plate, military grade black Humvee with BP glass and added armor roof.


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Marshall's don't fugg around.

"Hey Bob, we're going up to Clark County"
"Where the hell is that?"
"I'll get the Hummer keys...might be muddy"


Senior Member
.To all those that don't believe in black helicopters. How about unmarked, no plate, military grade black Humvee with BP glass and added armor roof.

Oh, I believe.

Once while squirrel hunting I discovered a pot farm. Dropped a sample off at the local police dept. 4 unmarked DEA cars arrive at the station within 5 minutes.

"Where did they come from?" I thought.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
To diverge a bit..

I used to park in the same spot under our dorm my sophomore year at OU. Same spot, everyone knew my car. One night we come back and this fugly chick who drove a 1994 Olds sedan with vanity plates saying "AMBERRY" was parked in my spot. We proceeded to get shitty and about 3AM, the light bulb went off about the same time the shit alarm went off. I got up on the bumper and left a massive pile in the middle of her hood. I never had anyone park in my spot again... lmao

What year was that Jesse?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
My situation also involved mass quantities of alcohol. One spring night we were shooting pool leagues at the Downtown athletic bar in Bowling Green. We parked right on Main street across the bar. We decided to stay after leagues were done and get shitfaced while watching the Hermit Crab races they hosted (imagine lots of wet T-shirts). So at closing time we go to leave and there is a big ass Ford LTD literally parked touching the bumper of my buddy's station Wagon. As im climbing on walking on the bumpers to get to the other side, my buddy says "hey Red, I dare ya to piss on that fucker's hood, you pussy!" To which I replied "fuck you, I aint holding this anymore" and dropped my pants and shat all over his hood, wiped my ass with my sock and flung it against his windshield. Little did I realize the rather large crowd all over the sidewalk and main street cheering me on. It was actually pretty awesome. just makes me happy that camera phones weren't around back then


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Here is a picture off the news yesterday from where they searched the farm. To all those that don't believe in black helicopters. How about unmarked, no plate, military grade black Humvee with BP glass and added armor roof.

All that excess military stuff from the desert............ Being put too good use I see......


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ohio Abduction Team hummer? US Marshall hummer? Local PD hummer? That is the question. Pops up out of nowhere, but it certainly has a garage somewhere.

Guess the thought of pooping on someone's hood never crossed my mind. I have a backhoe. If I want to pooh on a car, I am bringing more than I can get out of my anus. That car is getting covered. lmao


Junior Member
Central Ohio
Ohio Abduction Team hummer? US Marshall hummer? Local PD hummer? That is the question. Pops up out of nowhere, but it certainly has a garage somewhere.

Guess the thought of pooping on someone's hood never crossed my mind. I have a backhoe. If I want to pooh on a car, I am bringing more than I can get out of my anus. That car is getting covered. lmao

Note to self: you really, really don't want to be on Phil's shit list.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I like the look of that old farm house. I has nice character.

I don't like the roof pitches, I bet they have leak issues.

Nobody has lived in it since 83. Two years after her husband died she built a small house across the road. Her son built a small house next to it. It's been vacant a long time. But they. She paid to keep it maintained. The whole farm will go to crap now as the lazy son owns it. He leases the 200 tillable acres for grain. And the pasture for cattle. Not nearly enough to live on and pay the taxes. Shame too because it could be a very pretty workable farm for cattle. It was originally a dairy farm.