So I try to call the old lady today to let her know just to give her a heads up. She didn't answer the phone so I stopped by this evening. No answer. Walked across the road talk to her son. He answered the door. I introduced myself and tried to shake his hand. Nothing. I let him know the situation, was very polite about it and said I tried to call her today to give her a heads up that the sheriffs department would probably show up. I asked if she passed and he said she did. I gave my condolences. He responds. "Well if that happens in the future mind your business, and I'll call the sheriff on my own farm". I just looked at him stunned and replied. "I don't reckon you have a right to tell me who I can and can't call regarding a criminal case when I have a lead. It's a pretty serious situation and that might help". I came out here friendly to talk to your mother and let her know after trying to call her today. I just wanted to let you know since I couldn't reach her. He started getting pissy telling me it was none of my business. I responded "a 14 year old girl has been abducted by a man that camped on your property and I know about it. That's IS my fucking business! "I'll call the pope if I think it'll help." I turned to walk away then turned around and said "you know. I came out here on friendly terms just to let you know. Seems like being an asshole ran in the family"
So yeah. I told a guy him and his dead mother were a couple of assholes today.
Worthless no job having drunk.