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Ohio Gun Season 2019


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Winchester Super X rifled slug 12 gauge has done it again. It never disappoint me.
Well, 4 deer came out of the woods on my left at 5 PM all the way down to tree line like 120 yards. I'm up on the tree like, oh shit. Better get my ass up. I'm standing up and grabbed my shotgun. They never moved just eating on the ground. The mom doe was smart. Two little doe and spike buck was beside mom. Mom doe had a feeling like something didnt feel right. Fugg, she changed her mind and walked back into the woods and they all followed her. Gotdamn! Frustrated....you know. I put my head down and was talking to God. I'm like what's going on... bring her out to me and I would like to take her out and put a tag on her. So, you know just a talk with him. Deer never came back. I was bummed out and I'm like it happens for a reason....you know she wasnt suppose to go yet.
Anyway, 535 a deer comes out same way first 4 deer did around 5. So, one comes out then 2nd, then 3rd, and holy shit 9 doe comes out. Thank you, God. They all followed that nannie doe. Nannie doe cam all the way down to 25 yards.....I yelled out meaaah..she stops. Safety off and boom! She bolted until 10 yards then stopped. I'm like the fuck? Did I miss it? After she stood there for 3 seconds....she turned around to go back where she came from. I tell you what she ran faster than forrest gump. Yeah, no lies. Anyway, I get down to look for her. After I waited 45 mins I then went to entered the wood where she went into and tracked her down....blood on the run. Something told me to back out after looking all these blood trail. I'm like, eh....I better back out let her bleed some more. I was bummed out. So much went through my mind. Was it a bad shot? Was it high? Was it you know, blah blah and such. Went to bed worried all night. So, today dad came with me to go find the doe. Dad was on a roll tracking down the blood trail like a damn blood hound dog. I was impressed. I wasnt right in the mind and had so many thoughts about what had happen last night. Well, I be damn...dad said "Hey look, there's your doe". A big smile on my face. I was just 5 yards from her last night after I backed out, the fuck, lmaoView attachment 91284
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Junior Member
Saw a beautiful 10 point this morning within about 15 yards.. only problem was I was in my vehicle on my way to work and he was standing in the middle of the road. That damn city deer was the biggest deer I’ve seen in person. I’ll be heading out after work tonight and tomorrow hopefully he decides to travel 30 miles and ends up in front of my stand.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Deer camp has been a blast. Catching deer is just icing on the cake. Hanging out with friends catching up,sharing laughs,playing cards,watching football,eating unbelievable food and popping open a few cans(okay a shit ton of cans) is what we all look forward to every year! This year was no different! One of our group had a sudden health scare a few weeks back but has appeared to bounced back alright from it and is still having tests and scans done. He suffered what they believe was a mini stroke or brain bleed but are still running more in-depth scans. He’s been out to the chicken house every night hanging with us as always cuz it means so much to him as well. We’re all getting older and it’s harder to get around like we use to as far has hunting goes but DEER CAMP will ALWAYS be what takes precedence during deer gun week for us.😀👍🏻
So far only small bucks and does have been seen between our group and a total of 5 does have hung on our game pole for skinning and hanging thus far. Today, we’ll do little 4-6 man pushes or still hunts to get these critters up on there feet hoping to get some of the older bucks to move. Our biggest hinderance is having so much land around our lease we cannot touch but that’s the struggle we all face these days.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the successful hunters so far and continue to stay safe out there.👍🏻


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats Rick on a great camp (and the doe) - congrats to Chad and Lone and all the other successful hunters who have taken deer and even seen deer during this gun week.

I went big woods public, hunted hard, saw lots of beautiful topography, scant recent deer sign, and got skunked 4 days in a row.
Didn't even bump any. Didn't even get a deer to blow at me.
Got that same report from the other hunters I spoke with.

So now I'm turning to the dark side - I'll be driving down to my tiny little private lot in Adams and dumping corn at all 4 corners, will sit in the middle, and murder the first antlerless deer I see. Muuuuuwaaaahaaaahaaaaaahaaaaahaaaa


Active Member
The Hills
Congrats all on the harvests!
Yesterday I got home, went to check the mail and as soon as i stepped out the front door seen the 11 point again playing frogger across the road. Nearly lost. He seen me, I waved at him. Shot him with my finger guns. He didnt like that much and went in the neighbors side of the woods and didnt pop out on my side. Next year buddy!
A lone doe came out maybe 45 minutes before time was up, I went out and stalked up the hill. It took about 15 minutes to get up within 30 yards. It was dead silent and I had to really plan my steps to try and make as little noise as possible. I just wasnt sure if she was a big doe or not, she had a belly but the legs seemed long and lanky. She heard me at one point and started tail flicking hard, thought for sure she was gonna take off. Then she started blowing. Again thought for sure she gone. But nope she did a few circles and then went back to feeding. So i stood up there behind a tree waiting to see if any others would appear and none did. Decided not to shoot her cause wasnt sure if she was worth the processing fee. Normally i do them myself but I have way too much stuff on my to do list. Maybe this evening!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Side note - every day I'd seen a big van parked at one of the larger parking spots, every time I passed, and a driver just sitting chilling.
Yoder toter.
Last nite passed his parking spot after dark, and saw there were multiple headlamps bobbing in the woods converging, and the song from Snow White popped into my head "Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it's off to hunt we go...."

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Been there done that brother. I winched a quad all the way out of a hollow in WV with a deer on the front. It ran but couldn't get traction on the leaf-covered clay ground. 30 yards at a time and probably 15 winch pulls. I'd stand on the brakes leaning over the handlebars while my nephew ran the cable up the hill. That's how memories are made.
15 winch pulls without overheating is impressive


Active Member
Supporting Member
I took the whole week off with a group of buddies. On Monday a guy shot a big busted up buck and I took a doe. There were two does taken Tuesday. Wednesday we saw nothing. Yesterday a small 5pt was shot and a doe in another section. Today we walked in a section we just got permission for this morning. 50 yes in the woods I took this guy.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Well I'm not sure where to hunt now. Too of my go to spots for pressured gun law deer got a full cavity search today. I think around 14 shots oh make that 15 shots were fired just now. Flip a coin for the morning......


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Side note - every day I'd seen a big van parked at one of the larger parking spots, every time I passed, and a driver just sitting chilling.
Yoder toter.
Last nite passed his parking spot after dark, and saw there were multiple headlamps bobbing in the woods converging, and the song from Snow White popped into my head "Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it's off to hunt we go...."




Active Member
The Hills
Well, got me one. Big fatty! Peaked out the back window and caught her at the top of the hill, I wasnt posted up at the door tonight. Grabbed the 870 and made my way up the hill, since it was wet I made it up there a lot quicker and could walk a straight line and keep one of the trees between me and her. Got to 30 yards but she was looking my way so we had a little stand off with me hiding behind the cherry tree. Finally she looked down and I brought the gun up and put the barrel against the tree and she looked right at me. Worked my way around the tree to to line up and squeezed one off. She dropped right there, but since I was so close I hit high and spined her. Gave her 30 seconds and she started to struggle and try to crawl which made me feel awful so walked up closer to get a finishing shot. By far not the cleanest kill, never enjoyed it when it goes that way and you see it but that's the name of the game with what we do. Very thankful for what she will provide. Gonna lose a bit of meat as I kinda removed a shoulder. Couldnt even find the heart so the second shot did the trick.
I believe the deer I shot at earlier this week I shot over her. Went for a neck shot since I dont have much property so I bet I went over since this was so high going for the shoulder the first shot. So that brings some peace of mind since it's always something in the back of my head when I'm pretty sure I miss a shot but just not positive.
Here's the 2nd deer off my own property within the last 2 years. We have lived here for about 5 years now I think, prior to last year I didn't think I could do it at all or have a chance.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Got to get out for the last hour of hunting. First time this gun season. I was really pushing the truck to get me there. First 5 I seen were trying to leave the property as I pulled in. Tried to turn them...that didn’t work. So I decided I was just going to do a little scent bumping for Jon and the neighbor. Seen one real nice wide buck right away. Then 10 does in a fresh cut CRP field. Probably could’ve killed 4 but never fired a shot. I only have one tag left in this county and didn’t want it to end.

Lots of fun had. No damage to the truck. Just a little fur and I had to tighten up the toolbox mounts...😂 (I gotta stop that)