Went and sat in a stand on property I have sole permission on. I had 2 does opening day come out at last light and couldn’t make em out in the scope. Drove through last night with 20 minutes of legal shooting time and saw some more doe out in a field. Just cruised by and kept on going figuring I’d hunt it tonight. Got on stand @3:30 and had a small doe come by @100 yards but gave her a pass. Didn’t see anything else by 5 so I got down to see if they were out in the lower field. Snuck up too the tool shed next too the barn, peaked up over the roof of it and saw 4 doe 70 yards away feeding. Positioned the gun on the roof of the shed using it for a rest. Lined up on the biggest one and squeezed it off.... The ole Ruger American .450 hit its mark. Mule kick and ran off. Backed out and called a buddy, he came down to lend a hand, then another buddy showed up. He was on stand 1/2 mile away and heard the shot. Thought it had too be me so he got down and headed over.
My buddy Shawn showed up with his kids in tow. His son stayed in the truck, his daughter (5 years old) dressed in a camo outfit with a Cinderella dress over top of it helped us find her....

For d her 30 yards from where we found the hair from the shot in some tall swamp grass.... She was happy too find it and even stuck around for the field dressing, asking questions the whole time. She got an education and Shawn was a proud papa....
Glad too get one, it’ll be done next week and Shawn will pick it up and drop it off at my daughters place, they’ll be down the 18th so they’ll bring it down with them. I like that kind of hillbilly express!!!!
That song by the beetles, I get by with a little help by my friends. I’ve been blessed many times with this.... I’m a lucky man....