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Pellet Grills


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I was able to sleep from midnight till around 3. After that I just didn't trust it and had to keep getting up to check on it. Its 2020, don't laugh at me🤣.

It hit 165* around 6 and got wrapped in foil. Quickly jumped up to 176* and is setting there.

The 11 pounder went on around 7. Dry rub and higher heat over charcoal smoker. Going to see which one turns out better.

Thats right, 25 pounds worth of brisket will be done today! Should have some left to freeze😂


Junior Member
Anyone have experience with the Weber pellet grills? Online reviews are not so good, but I love my nearly 20-year old Weber gas grill.

Also, can you sear effectively with the Traeger's? It looks like this might be an advantage of the Pit Boss, besides the price.