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Show and Tell: Your hunting bow...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
First ever shot of a broadhead from the Strother and first time I've ever shot the Stinger Buzzcuts. This is from 20 yards on a beans new target. That's what I call penetration and knock down power!!!

Very nice Jesse! They resemble a Zwickey a little.

Nice looking set up AJ. How many pounds you shooting? Your pins looked stacked tight! Good luck this season.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Here's my setup. Just got it this year. I've been shooting it all summer I can't wait to hit the woods with it this weekend. Here in NH our bow season opens on 9/15.

Prime Defy Bow 28 1/2 inch draw set to 64 lbs.
G5 Head-Lok Quiver
Easton Injexion arrows tipped with NAP Killzone broadheads.
G5 Optix XR multi - pin sight with bottom floating pin.
Trophy Taker Smackdown Pro Rest
Fuse Axiom 2" stabilizer
Tru-Fire Hardcore Max release

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Not sure why the pictures are sideways but I'm no computer expert so it's the best I can do.

Nice choices. I REALLY like the PRIME line this year. I shoot an Impact and really enjoy it.


Staff member
I'm back to the Mathews...

I have a major mental block right now when I grab the Strother, so I am taking my own advice and shooting what is comfortable. Also shooting what I am confident in and that's the bigger issue. Last night I took the Mathews out of the case fro the first time since Woodbury, and promptly shot a baseball sized group of 3 arrows at 37 yards. When I grab that bow, I know I will hit what I am aiming at, especially when it is a deer. When I grab the Strother, I have no idea if I'll hit my point of aim, but if I do, that sum bitch will drive a LOG of an arrow clean through whatever I shot at. The XT will put 2 holes in a deer just the same as the Infinity, so burying it in the dirt another 8" is of no real advantage unless I hit the shoulder. Which, shouldn't happen with the Mathews in my hand.

My and the Strother need more time together. Its a young relationship that will require a higher level of intimacy than we have right now. Someday we'll bond and then things will get really ugly for the deer!


Senior Member
I was looking for this thread lol How come it hasn't been a sticky yet? Cotty can't wait to see what you put up here!


Tatonka guide.
Dang archertl that is a fine looking bow. I too have wanted to get my hands in that bow for some time. That seems Ike a fair trade for sure. Hope you like it.
Dang archertl that is a fine looking bow. I too have wanted to get my hands in that bow for some time. That seems Ike a fair trade for sure. Hope you like it.

I do the only thing I can say I wish it had was a Berger hole just for bow fishing. it draws a lot smoother than anyother trad bow i own and almos t as smooth as some of the ahziemers ive shot. I shot it threw the chrony after blueface and got between 204-206 fps with a 425 gr arrow. its a pretty slick package anr im sure it will find its way in my bag on tdy's and maybe a few deployments
Dang archertl that is a fine looking bow. I too have wanted to get my hands in that bow for some time. That seems Ike a fair trade for sure. Hope you like it.

I do the only thing I can say I wish it had was a Berger hole just for bow fishing. it draws a lot smoother than anyother trad bow i own and almos t as smooth as some of the ahziemers ive shot. I shot it threw the chrony after blueface and got between 204-206 fps with a 425 gr arrow. its a pretty slick package and im sure it will find its way in my bag on tdy's and maybe a few deployments
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Junior Member
Stark County

2014 Hoyt Faktor Turbo 29/70 with a CBE Sniper 5 pin, an Axion SSG 6, and a Hoyt Ultra Fall Away. I've got it set at 65 right now. The Z5 cams are butter. I love absolutely it. Next stop, Milo's for some fine tuning.