Mallory and I got out and did some Squirrel hunting this weekend. I got 6 today and she got 5 yesterday and 2 today. All headshots with a scoped .22
It's a Marlin xt22. I like this little gun. My only bitch that I've accepted now is ammo affecting accuracy. I'm shooting the Remington golden bullet, since it's the only thing available. It was the worst bullet when patterning six or 7 different Ammos to see what it liked the best a few years back. I threw it at paper the other day and the flyer bullet just makes my head shake. I'll get a couple shots on there mark then just have one fly like 3 inches off at 30yrds. Ccis or Ellys never strayed for me. ive completely wiffed on few shots with the squirrel not budging then a brain bust. At least I'm hunting.Nice! What rifle are you shooting? I love my marlin 39 but the trigger is heavy. Really accurate but it's a bitch holding steady and waiting for the hammer to drop. I'm thinking about a dedicated for squirrel bolt gun. Anschultz 1761 is what I'm leaning towards.
I used to until my kids got 22sI have a shitpot full remington golden bullets . I let the kids shoot them up when we have the 22 shoot . Like jamie sais . The cci shoot the best out of all my 22 's. .