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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
*** : Please do not resend condolences. You were all very kind and your words of support meant more to me than you will ever know. I add to this post for you and the reasons below.

1 year ago today I lost my beautiful wife Syndi. I bring this post back up as a reminder to you. Have you made a living will? do you have life insurance? A will? Have you appointed beneficiaries to your bank accounts and 401K's? If something went very badly and you or your loved on passed away have you taken some steps to ease the decision making for your family.

Please consider these things. The loss of an aging grandparent or parent is hard enough. The loss of a loved one struck down in their prime is a devastating, life changing event that ... well . enough said.

I bring this up in an effort to make you better prepared should such a devastating hardship happen in your family.

Thank You for listening.


*Supporting Member III*
I know how hard this day is for you (well, as close as can be possible). I want you to know that your reminders prompted me to make sure my clan is taken care of. I'm sure I've missed something in the mix, but the big deals are done and would leave my wife and son with plenty to not have to worry about were I not here. Praying for you today as we head towards Ava's 8th birthday in a little over a week. It's a heavy time of year... Fellas, you never know when family will be gone, take Jim's advice and make sure those you love are taken care of.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Thank you Guys.

Also remember if you have minors, you need to think of appointing a guardian or discuss who would take the kids if both of you were to pass.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Thanks for this reminder Jim. My wife and I discussed guardianship right after our son was born but haven't brought it up since, we need to get this done!


Staff member
I have not done some of those things, but I can say that I have been a better husband in the past year. The loss you experienced when Syndi passed opened my eyes to certain elements in my marriage and my love for my wife. I really feel like I have made a concerted effort to be the best husband I can be and while I still fall short at times, I have made improvements. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Jim. It is/has been a great perspective...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Today is the 2 year anniversary of Syndi passing. I hope you are complete again and resting in peace. I miss you so

I hope some of you have taken some steps I suggested on behalf of your loved ones.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Doesn't seem like that many years already. Keep the memories going and keep your head up buddy. Will be thinking of you and the family today my friend.

We have taken your advise and got the ball rollin on some stuff here.


*Supporting Member*
Jim and I have had a few conversations about loss and what it means to all involved. I want to stress what Jim has in the past. You do not want to be caught with your guard down in a situation like this. Our recent crisis with Joie was such a situation that I was not prepared for. Within a blink of an eye, our day turned from normal to everything being turned upside down. When I got to the ICU, I wanted to be with her and get answers. Within minutes I was surrounded by twenty to thirty people all asking questions. Living will, family history, what happened to her, allergies, surgery history and the questions went on and on. Do yourself and your family a favor and go over these things with your family. Sit down and go over your insurance policy. Make sure you have a living will and a will to cover things if there is a loss. Make a list of known allergies and present meds for each family member. Go over your family's medical history so you can answer the doctor's questions. Knowing all these things could be the difference in life or death. Trust me, in the heat of the moment it sucks to be making important decisions when you aren't thinking straight.

I'm sure I've missed some things here, so I'll be going back and rereading this thread.

Joie wanted me to tell you that she has been thinking of you a lot lately and especially today.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the reminder Jim. Just chatted with my wife who is an RN. I asked her if we had redone our living will recently. I don't remember it if we did. We both agreed it has been 12yrs since we have done one. That was right after Sept 11 when I was activated. Our oldest was still in Momma's belly. She is 12 now. Erin said she deals with them at work daily because people cannot make decisions for themselves often times once they are under her care at the hospital. Despite this, ours is truthfully not current. We will be updating it. Lord knows we are in a different position today than we were 12yrs ago. 26yrs old expecting our first with only 2 properties and a growing business is where we were. Now we have additional properties, a larger business, more assets, more liabilities, and 3 kids. Uh, yeah. Time to update.

My thoughts and prayers have been with you.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Its been 3 years now.
I hope you have taken some steps to protect your loved ones.


Staff member
I'm maxed out on my life insurance here to the tune of $275K and I have another $25K through Tracie's work. Finances won't be an issue if I depart this world early. I had you in mind when I maxed those out as I remembered this conversation.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I'm maxed out on my life insurance here to the tune of $275K and I have another $25K through Tracie's work. Finances won't be an issue if I depart this world early. I had you in mind when I maxed those out as I remembered this conversation.

Same here. I maxed mine out at work as well as took additional out for the wife and the kids and the wife has hers with work as well as another policy that she has recently added an additional 5k to as well.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Great reminder. I know you mentioned it in the original few post. If you have children please please make sure you have life insurance on them as well. I hope you never need it but I think it is probably one of those things that we do not take serious enough. Losing a child, wife, parent, or any family member is tough enough. Dealing with the financial burden afterwards can drag on for a long time. We thought we were well covered. If my wife or I passed we knew that the other would have a good safety net. We never planned what if we lost our son. Who does? Luckily I had a small policy through work which has helped out tremendously but it wasn't even enough. So please take a look and make sure everyone is covered if you can.

CJD3, I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Thank you for the reminder.