It’s that day of the year. I wondered how I would spend it as I sat on my back porch this morning just before sunrise with a cup of strong coffee and a smoke. Its been four years. I decided to do something productive instead of let the day consume me.
*** If you’re new here, you’ll have to start at the beginning…
*If you know this thread, here is your reminder.
Do you have that Will made up yet?
So this old dead Red Oak trunk and its root ball has set down by the lake trail for years. Too large to sit on really. I decided to make a rustic memorial bench in her memory. You may remember the story of how while cutting it up some years back, I hit an old logging chain with the chain saw, overgrown in the tree pretty much trashing the blade.
I broke out the big chain saw and went to work cutting off the bottom leg and bench slab. About an hour later, it was done.
Just a little walk down from the house.
The view from her bench.