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Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Reading this thread from start to finish just now put a lump in my throat and lots of thoughts in my head. First thing Ill do when I get home is hug my wife. I have only been married for a year and 7 months and I don't know what I would do if I lost my wife. Ill start checking off all of the things you listed ASAP. Im deeply sorry for your loss and am sending prayers your way brother.
This was the first time I have read this thread and I read it through from beginning to end. My heart goes out to you Jim and the others who have gone through something like this. I will be first to admit that my wife and I have none of this in place. We had life insurance for a while but our premiums kept jumping. Her and I will be sitting down tonight to talk after I have her read this. Something I need to pass on to my dad as well since I know he has nothing in place too.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
If any of you can put things in place to ease the burden of such a heart breaking loss of a loved one, than this thread has been worth the tears shed while writing it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Children- When our kids were 30 days old (earliest we could get them coverage) we opened policies. Was it a lot? No. Enough to bury them if the biggest fear in our lives would take place. If they do not need it, it grows. I believe we pay $25/month. With kids, you can hardly eat on $25 for a family of five. I realize everyone has different financial situations and $25/mo may not be possible. For those who can afford it, it is money well spent. I forget the numbers exactly. I want to say it got them $25-50k in whole life insurance. The policy NEVER goes up. Should they continue to contribute the $25/mo until they retire, the whole life pay out was an incredible amount of money. By the time my kids are 60-70yrs old and retiring, $25/mo will seem like a buck or two to us right now. Inflation will make it seem comical. I highly recommend doing this for your kids and praying you never have to cash it in. We use Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance but I am sure others are similar. I know they have won awards for decades straight though. Their company impressed us.

Jim- You and your family are in my thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation the other night, somber as it was at times. Your unending love in a world of failed marriages is the positive example I look up to. I pray you continue to reach to find your way to a new happiness. It may be a different happiness than you shared with Syndi, but you deserve happiness. You are a good man.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
It’s that day of the year. I wondered how I would spend it as I sat on my back porch this morning just before sunrise with a cup of strong coffee and a smoke. Its been four years. I decided to do something productive instead of let the day consume me.

*** If you’re new here, you’ll have to start at the beginning…

*If you know this thread, here is your reminder. Do you have that Will made up yet?

So this old dead Red Oak trunk and its root ball has set down by the lake trail for years. Too large to sit on really. I decided to make a rustic memorial bench in her memory. You may remember the story of how while cutting it up some years back, I hit an old logging chain with the chain saw, overgrown in the tree pretty much trashing the blade.

I broke out the big chain saw and went to work cutting off the bottom leg and bench slab. About an hour later, it was done.

Just a little walk down from the house.

The view from her bench.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
That is totally awesome, and what a way to pay your respects to Sydni. And thanks again for the reminder, I hope those who don't already have their will's done that this will encourage them to look into it.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Awesome read Jim.... Thanks for sharing your project and your thoughts.... And yes we both have wills....