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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've seen it Chad. I was hired to dig a hole and bury a horse once. Horse went from an old/tired horse to horrible/bad shape over nite they had called the day before knowing the horse was nearing the end. Vet was 2hrs late. Horse was suffering something terrible. Vet had zero bedside manners. He even joked stating "I gave him enough to take down 3 horses." All while the owner is walking her horse and crying awaiting his suffering to end.

It isn't a fun place to be.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Well we got him buried. Got the backhoe damn near stuck once but when you got a bucket and a hoe its pretty easy to get out of a bind.


Senior Member
Medina County
Sorry to hear that Chad. That's a long time bond..... 20 years.

I usually stay quite here, just me. I'm going to dump a tough year now:

1: broke my dang arm this early summer lifting weights. I should say dropping 225# after I lost my balance doing cleans.

2: I got shingles.... By far the most painful thing I've ever had. Gone now!

3: we rescued a Great Dane last November 2014. He was great, but bit me 3-4 times, my 3 year old once and wife once. We tried and tried with him. We got a professional animal behaviorist, but we had to put him down the day before thanksgiving 2015. This broke my heart. My finger is still jacked up from the last bite and I need to visit a dr after hunting season to hopefully straighten my finger out (literally)....

4: my wife got pregnant. Was a slip up ;) we lost the baby this week just shy of 12 weeks in. This too broke my heart.

I sure hope the next year goes a bit smoother! I will be putting my first dog I ever owned down by the way she's going. She was amazing and is still my buddy. She's still happy, but blind and has trouble getting around. Seeing her go will be rough, but I know it will be the right time when she tells me she's ready.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry to hear it Jeremy. Losing a pregnancy is rough. Losing a family pet is tough. Shingles, broken arm don't sound like they are much fun either.


Active Member
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The transmission in my wifes crv decided it wanted to take a shit on her last week... thankfully she was at her parents when it happened... so on friday i found a used one to put in the car for $300 which is a lot cheaper than the prices ive had to rebuild it. Went to put it in on sunday and noticed that there was a huge crack on the bottom side of the housing AFTER we had it in and started to put fluid in it... so took it back to the place i bought it from and they started giving me shit about it and told me i dropped it but i know that i didnt... after 5 minutes of arguing with them the guy that loaded it on my truck for me admitted that he let it fall off the forklift when he was gettin it off the rack... then they tried to short me a $50 dollars for a restock fee... after anothet few minutes of argument and some "choice" words i got my money back... now im back to square one...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The transmission in my wifes crv decided it wanted to take a shit on her last week... thankfully she was at her parents when it happened... so on friday i found a used one to put in the car for $300 which is a lot cheaper than the prices ive had to rebuild it. Went to put it in on sunday and noticed that there was a huge crack on the bottom side of the housing AFTER we had it in and started to put fluid in it... so took it back to the place i bought it from and they started giving me shit about it and told me i dropped it but i know that i didnt... after 5 minutes of arguing with them the guy that loaded it on my truck for me admitted that he let it fall off the forklift when he was gettin it off the rack... then they tried to short me a $50 dollars for a restock fee... after anothet few minutes of argument and some "choice" words i got my money back... now im back to square one...

Eww. . . Believe I would have had some words as well. Good luck Nathan.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Jeremy, I surely hope the water calms down for you. Keep the faith as it can be all up hill from here.

Nathan. You done good keeping it together. All that work, them blaming it on you and then admitting their wrongs. Smh.....People suck.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Damn Nathan!!! What is wrong with people these days! Damn shame that more and more people try to pull one over on people nowadays! SAD


Staff member
WTF ever happened to people doing what they say they'll do? Met with a guy last Wednesday about a job. They are very interested in hiring me and wanted to have me start ASAP. He was supposed to call me Friday. Monday at the latest. Had to call Tuesday and still no decision. Yesterday I was told they'd decide by close of business and I'd know tomorrow night or today at the latest. Here it is close of business and no call. I'm no a happy camper. They know I want to work for them and that I'm eager to start ASAP. Quit dragging shit out and do what you say you'll do! Dang...


*Supporting Member*
Damn Nathan!!! What is wrong with people these days! Damn shame that more and more people try to pull one over on people nowadays! SAD

My youngest daughter needed a specific tire for her car and my SIL told her to go to Tire Discounter to get one and that it would be about $190. So she went and was told that they had one left and it was $315. While she was waiting, my SIL called them and asked about the same tire (as if it was for him) and he was told they were in stock for $187.
She asked for her keys back and went to a different Tire Discounter where she got it for $187.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Poor Garrett. Our 11yr old has had many guinea pigs and the endings are never "she died peacefully in her sleep" happy endings. First one home was a Christmas Eve where we were in a hurry, dropped the cage and guinea pig at the house in a hurry between gatherings and church services. Never had time to properly introduce our boxer, Brutus, to the new pet. He went nuts and protected our home while we were gone. Garrett was crushed. After an introduction, Brutus never messed with them again. Then came more pigs. After figuring out how to sex them (determine male or female) we stopped having babies. Garrett wanted to keep one male and one female. So we had the male neutered. He died the next day.

Brutus the passed last August. After some time we decided it was time for another dog in the house besides our beagle. We introduced Hank to the house this week. He has been doing fantastic. . . . Then he discovered the guinea pigs. So we introduced them and have kept them separated. Anytime he goes near the cage there is a correction and he leaves Garrett's room. This was working as well as the acclimation to our house. Then it happened. . . Kids at Sunday school. Wife getting out of shower, me hopping into shower, and I hear my wife running down stairs and yelling. Oh boy, this doesn't sound good. In a towel I help my wife get Hank booted outside. He had Big Momma in his mouth and was bringing her to us. She didn't die immediately and Garrett was able to say his last words to her. (I dropped wife at church and brought Garrett home.) Well, she passed and Garrett and I held a cremation at our outdoor wood boiler while the rest were at church. He still has one guinea pig. I just hope we can keep Hank away from her and let her die of natural causes. Poor kid hasn't had much luck with the guinea pigs. Not sure Hank will be back in the house soon. Little bugger already killed 5/6 chickens over the summee, and now a guinea pig. His drive instinct is strong and I am not sure it can be changed. It is what he is. Unfortunately, it is tough explaining this to an 11yr old. Ugh. Happy Sunday!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Sorry to hear all that Phil. We've had tears here with our little ones over fish, a rabbit, a cat... Hard to see the little ones dealing with loss at that age.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Chad and Joel. Just a sucky thing. My wife swears Hank is DONE in the house. Garrett is bummed (although seems to be recovering fairly quickly). I am stuck in the middle. Hard to defend the dog. He is guilty as charged. Guess we will see how it plays out. Just sucks.


*Supporting Member*
How sad. Had the dog actually hurt it though? We also had guinea pigs and one of the female Goldens picked one up and gently carried it to me. The guinea pig died of a stroke within 30 minutes, but truthfully, the dog didn't hurt it, just scared it to death.