Sorry to hear that Chad. That's a long time bond..... 20 years.
I usually stay quite here, just me. I'm going to dump a tough year now:
1: broke my dang arm this early summer lifting weights. I should say dropping 225# after I lost my balance doing cleans.
2: I got shingles.... By far the most painful thing I've ever had. Gone now!
3: we rescued a Great Dane last November 2014. He was great, but bit me 3-4 times, my 3 year old once and wife once. We tried and tried with him. We got a professional animal behaviorist, but we had to put him down the day before thanksgiving 2015. This broke my heart. My finger is still jacked up from the last bite and I need to visit a dr after hunting season to hopefully straighten my finger out (literally)....
4: my wife got pregnant. Was a slip up

we lost the baby this week just shy of 12 weeks in. This too broke my heart.
I sure hope the next year goes a bit smoother! I will be putting my first dog I ever owned down by the way she's going. She was amazing and is still my buddy. She's still happy, but blind and has trouble getting around. Seeing her go will be rough, but I know it will be the right time when she tells me she's ready.