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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
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Feel free to call if you have any questions. Great things about most mowers: they are pretty simple.


Staff member
Stopped at the gas station the other day and had to park at the pumps because some fuckwad was parked sideways through the handicapped spot and two regular spots. Walk past the car to see some dipshit loser in the passenger seat and 3 car seats in the back. Inside is an early 20's chick who is 9 months pregnant carrying a pack of gum, some super-dooper candy bar, and a 24 oz beer. She uses her food stamps to buy the candy bar and gum for $3 and change. Then pays cash for the beer and smokes to the tune of $7 and change. The clerk said she still had $800 in food stamps. I wanted to run her off the fuggin' road...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stopped at the gas station the other day and had to park at the pumps because some fuckwad was parked sideways through the handicapped spot and two regular spots. Walk past the car to see some dipshit loser in the passenger seat and 3 car seats in the back. Inside is an early 20's chick who is 9 months pregnant carrying a pack of gum, some super-dooper candy bar, and a 24 oz beer. She uses her food stamps to buy the candy bar and gum for $3 and change. Then pays cash for the beer and smokes to the tune of $7 and change. The clerk said she still had $800 in food stamps. I wanted to run her off the fuggin' road...

That is exactly what kind of stuff pisses me off right there! BS!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Had an electrical issue that had me miss the bs'ing and bow session on Sunday and I finally tracked down the issue on Monday. Had a local electrical company send a tech out and of course the issue wouldn't present it's self while he was here but I had already limited it down to a few things on Sunday and the tech agreed with me on the possible causes. Monday evening after meeting up with Dante I was on my way home and the wife called and said the electric was out and acting up again. Seems my main breaker is getting weak and about to go out. I had asked the tech about this being a possible problem and he said the breaker is no longer made and would cost around $200 to replace. After getting home and hitting the service panel with the multimeter and finding the main breaker was the culprit I had a choice to make. Spend the 200 to fix the old breaker with a used one or go ahead and use the newer parts I already have to upgrade to a 200 amp service for the cost of labor and permits total would be around $500 to do. Guess we are going the 200 amp route and the guys will be here on Friday to change out the service panel and outside weather head, disconnect, and meter box. Should be a good half to 3/4 of an 8hr day of work but will be worth it in the end I guess. Then I can finally start on re-wiring the house room by room and not have to deal with that old small panel that was a pain to get the neutral set screws loosened up to change wires lol.

Bad, good, more bad, and finally a little good but man is it going to cost me some change and that SUCKS !!!!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Been there on my house when we added on, and two rentals. I feel your pain Redcloud. The outside disconnect adds to the cost but is a nice feature. Glad you will at least were able to figure out the problem.

My dump: Fall asleep at 11pm. Wake up at 3am. Hopefully be able to fall back to sleep soon. Ugh


Staff member
Adam if you don't mind, let me know what that runs you total at the end of the project. We are on a 100amp box as well and I wouldn't mind making the upgrade if it is reasonable. I can do the inside work myself, but the outside stuff will need a professional...


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
Adam, I am curious on what kind of panel you are replacing. If I had to take a guess I would say a Federal Pacific. Those things are nightmares to work in and are renowned for causing house fires.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Adam, I am curious on what kind of panel you are replacing. If I had to take a guess I would say a Federal Pacific. Those things are nightmares to work in and are renowned for causing house fires.

Really???? And no recalls too remove or fix them????


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The panel I have currently is a Square D (20 slot) panel but it is small and the only way to get to the screws that hold the main breaker in is to remove one of the connector covers on the sides of the panel. The new panel is a Cutler Hammer and far more slots then I will ever need (42) lol.

The outside work and all materials is where the cost comes from. My panel is about $450 but was free to me ;)

The tech I had here Monday said to upgrade from a 100 amp to a 200 amp would run between $1400-$1700 for the city I live in. $65 for the permit, $200 for the city to come down and turn the power off at the pole, $40 an hour for the tech and most likely going to be close to an 8hr install given all the bonding they are required to do now with all the codes. 200 amp service panel, outside disconnect, service wire, meter housing, weather head.

You could buy the materials yourself ( tech told me Home depot or Menard's was cheaper for wire then he can get it from their warehouse) and just pay the labor for the install, permits, and city to shut the power off like I am. Should run me close to the $500+ mark to get this done given I already have everything I need to do it. Another $300 and I can re-wire my entire house with 12-2 and some 14-2, 14-3 wire (lighting circuits). The range was done 3 years ago so that's good to go. Gas furnace and hot water tank so no big expensive wires to re-run there.

I will let ya know what the final cost is tomorrow lol.


Staff member
One nice advantage for me, now real rules to follow! That permitting stuff is for the birds!!! Good luck with all that man. I'm torn as to what to do. I'd be dealing with AEP on my electric and I can probably handle the work and what I'm lost on, dad will understand. I also have a cousin by marriage that is a master, so I may sweet talk him somehow!!!

I think it would be another good selling point on the house I could do one tax return season. Plus it would help me on a new AC install if that happens, and to wire up my garage like I want to do!!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
One nice advantage for me, now real rules to follow! That permitting stuff is for the birds!!! Good luck with all that man. I'm torn as to what to do. I'd be dealing with AEP on my electric and I can probably handle the work and what I'm lost on, dad will understand. I also have a cousin by marriage that is a master, so I may sweet talk him somehow!!!

I think it would be another good selling point on the house I could do one tax return season. Plus it would help me on a new AC install if that happens, and to wire up my garage like I want to do!!!

The exact reasons I went ahead and did the upgrade. Great for a home sale in the future plus I would also like to add central air in the next year and as soon as I get my garage built I can run as many circuits as I want lol.

Yeah, permits suck and you can bet your ass I won't be getting them to upgrade my house wiring like I am suppose to do lol. If I could get around the one for the service upgrade I would but given the city will have to run a new service wire from the pole to the house I don't think I could have gotten away with it lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Man-struate. Instead of ice cream and chick flicks, guys just get a tall beer and big steak. It has been one of those days. Ugh


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wanted to get some "me time" yesterday and check cameras. Didn't happen. Thought for sure I would make it out today. Didn't happen. Hoping maybe tomorrow. Things have been crazy busy.

In all reality though, being busy with work and not getting to check cams is not a terrible thing at all. It is what pays the bills and allows me to buy cams, enjoy my hobbies, and provide for my family. Still killing me though not being able to check the cams. lol


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Was informed by the wife for MY fathers day we are going to suprise HER dad at church and then go to his house for a cookout lunch. Now if I liked her dad this would be ok but the guy is one of those guys that thinks he is better then everybody and his wife is the same way. I can't stand either one of them unless the drinks are flowing so I guess my happy ass will be drunk by noon on Sunday. Where the hell is MY fathers day where I get to do what I want.

Hell, maybe for mothers day next year I will take the wife to hang out with my mom all day.