Feel free to call if you have any questions. Great things about most mowers: they are pretty simple.
You've never seen my cousin. She's also my sister in law. Well, she's my wife's cousin. Awww...nevermind. I'm close enough to West Virginny where that shit's legal.
Stopped at the gas station the other day and had to park at the pumps because some fuckwad was parked sideways through the handicapped spot and two regular spots. Walk past the car to see some dipshit loser in the passenger seat and 3 car seats in the back. Inside is an early 20's chick who is 9 months pregnant carrying a pack of gum, some super-dooper candy bar, and a 24 oz beer. She uses her food stamps to buy the candy bar and gum for $3 and change. Then pays cash for the beer and smokes to the tune of $7 and change. The clerk said she still had $800 in food stamps. I wanted to run her off the fuggin' road...
That is exactly what kind of stuff pisses me off right there! BS!
Adam, I am curious on what kind of panel you are replacing. If I had to take a guess I would say a Federal Pacific. Those things are nightmares to work in and are renowned for causing house fires.
One nice advantage for me, now real rules to follow! That permitting stuff is for the birds!!! Good luck with all that man. I'm torn as to what to do. I'd be dealing with AEP on my electric and I can probably handle the work and what I'm lost on, dad will understand. I also have a cousin by marriage that is a master, so I may sweet talk him somehow!!!
I think it would be another good selling point on the house I could do one tax return season. Plus it would help me on a new AC install if that happens, and to wire up my garage like I want to do!!!
Hell, maybe for mothers day next year I will take the wife to hang out with my mom all day.