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The TOO dump thread


*Supporting Member*
Okay, I am too stoned on pain pills to explain what happened, but I would appreciate any and all good thoughts and prayers. I hurt my back and can only walk with a bent stoop. Can't bend over or down or sideways.

My kids came over and got the pups out of the car for me and loaded the woodstove and walked the new dog, but I need to be able to load the wood stove tonight, in the morning, yada, yada, and take care of puppies no matter what or how much pain it causes.

I'm suppose to show a Doodle tomorrow and am not sure if I can even lift the little pig and I have 2 loads of wood scheduled to be delivered, but it can just be dumped in the yard as I am not stacking it.

I just would appreciate all prayers that my back might be greatly improved by morning, or at least enough to keep the household going. Thanks.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn, sorry too hear this Diane.... If I lived closer I'd be able too help out.... Hope you're feeling better shortly.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Bummer. I have been there Diane. Hope it feels better for you in the morning. Firewood is no joke either when it comes to a sore back.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Went to leave the house forgot about the cargo carrier being on the back of the jeep. Walked into it full force and strong enough I ended up crashing onto and rolling off it,meanwhile soaking myself with coffee. The feeling in my shins and knees tell me they are marked up pretty good. FUGG that hurt.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Okay, I am too stoned on pain pills to explain what happened, but I would appreciate any and all good thoughts and prayers. I hurt my back and can only walk with a bent stoop. Can't bend over or down or sideways.

My kids came over and got the pups out of the car for me and loaded the woodstove and walked the new dog, but I need to be able to load the wood stove tonight, in the morning, yada, yada, and take care of puppies no matter what or how much pain it causes.

I'm suppose to show a Doodle tomorrow and am not sure if I can even lift the little pig and I have 2 loads of wood scheduled to be delivered, but it can just be dumped in the yard as I am not stacking it.

I just would appreciate all prayers that my back might be greatly improved by morning, or at least enough to keep the household going. Thanks.

I hope you have a speedy recovery Diane.


*Supporting Member*
Thanks guys.

I'm not even sure what happened. One of my Golden Retriever puppies had a horrible stool with some blood in it, so I took the sample to the vet to see what was wrong. It was determined that somehow that pup had coccidiosis, which we think was brought in by me on my shoes and some of the pups like to chew on my shoes when they are playing in the kitchen... my puppies are not allowed outside or around any other dog outside of its mother. (Ironically so they do not catch anything).

Even though the other puppies seemed fine and another stool for another pup tested fine, I wanted to treat the whole litter to be on the safe side, which meant I had to take the whole litter in in order to be prescribed medicine. (The vet didn't charge for complete exams on all the pups, but said by law in order to prescribe meds, the pups at least had to make an appearance at his office)

A young guy works there and he was helping me carrying the crate full of puppies to my car and I had already asked to take a break to set the crate down for a minute because it was heavy. I was thinking I needed/wanted another quick break when I saw we were only 12 feet from the car, so I decided I could finish without the break.

Then all of a sudden I heard and felt a loud pop. Dead center of my back. So I lowered my end of the crate and was trying not to cry, but I couldn't straighten up and I'm whining like a baby due to the pain.

He had heard the pop and thought it was the crate and was kinda freaked out when he realized it was my back that made that sound.

We stood there for a couple of minutes, him hanging onto my arms with me still trying not to cry and telling him I was sorry and embarrassed about this. I was slowly able to straighten up enough to walk funny and slowly moved around the parking lot some while he finished loading up my pups.

Driving home hurt like hell and I took tylenol right that second and as soon as I got home, took ibuprofen and tramadol before I even called my kids. They came over and got the pups out of the car and medicated the pups for me and filled the woodstove, etc.

The vet and I had discussed the puppies and decided I should not allow any to leave for a week so I can keep an eye on them and they will be on 2 different medicines, one for a week and the other for 2 weeks.

Problem is, I had allowed one pup to leave the night before as she had that pup picked out and a deposit on him shortly after he was born. So I called her and she didn't want to meet me at the vet's office (they wouldn't give me meds for that pup unless I brought it in with the rest of the litter).

I told her I have never sold a sick puppy EVER and that I wanted her to take her pup to a vet and have it tested to be on the safe side, and that I would be voiding her check (essentially giving her the pup for free) for her trouble. She did say that her pup seemed fine and his stools were good.

In the meantime, I had already advertised the pups and have all kinds of calls and people wanting to see them. I'm not sure how to handle that. Other than the one puppy that had the bad stool, the rest of the litter with the meds and the wait time is more of a precaution, but I'm afraid people won't understand that and I'm not sure how/what to say to people.

I can pull my ads, but I came home to lots of phone calls that I haven't returned.

The bright side is, this morning all pups seems fine and no nasty stools.

My back hurts like hell, but I was able to get wood in the stove this morning and adult dogs pottied, but I haven't tried to give meds to the pups yet as that requires a lot of bending over.

I don't really want to take pain meds before I medicate them as I'm afraid of screwing up the dose, but damn, I'm dreading the bending down, etc.

Okay, sorry for going on and on, I just hurt like hell and can't think straight about what to do about phone calls on the pups. I have a great reputation for having healthy puppies and I don't want that to change and I think if I say the pups can't leave for a week, people are going to immediately think “backyard breeder with sick pups”.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just explain to them that one pup got a parasite so your holding the others for a week or so while you medicate them. Puppies get parasites. It's not distemper or parvovirus it's just a bug. Tell them the last thing you want to do is send a puppy of that needs medication. Also. You could give the woman you sold a pup to one of the others pups medication then split the remaining doses across the other pups. Saving an extra 2-3 doses for the dog that actually had it. Odds are you're medicating pups that don't need it and they'll be fine with a shorter dose, or it's not far enough along that a shorter dose will knock It out. I think you'll be ok on that front. Just take care of your back.


*Supporting Member*
Thanks Joe, the explanation of it being a parasite is a good idea (and true). Guess I'm just in too much pain and stressed out to have thought it out clearly.


*Supporting Member*
An update..... The lady that had already taken her puppy home called. She took her pup to the vet like I wanted and got him preventative medicine though he has shown no signs of being sick. I'm simply giving her $50 back to pay for the vet visit and meds. She didn't seem upset at all and is thrilled with the pup, so that's a relief.

I spoke to a couple of people that were interested in the other pups and stated the issue like you suggested, Joe. So far, they said that they still want to see the pups next weekend, so I am writing down who called in what order, etc., so as to not cheat anyone. Of course, I'll know next weekend if they are truly still interested and said I would be giving them a call on Friday so the pups can be shown over the weekend.

And the lady came and picked up a Doodle this afternoon. Carrying those heavy chunks up the steps about killed me, but I got it done. And I gave the Goldens their medicine which was the hardest part of my day as I have to bend over to pick them up. Sure am glad that is only every 12 hours!

Oh and the wood guy came and delivered 2 cords of wood. I had a couple of big dog houses out there that I had bought at yard sales and he was kind enough to move them out of the way for me. The wood can lay for awhile. Stacking it right now is not on my list of priorities.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have an almost 13 year old I will loan you Diane. Boy is on my last nerve.

As some of you know, my wife and I are raising her nephew. Long story short, he has issues but has come a long way. Some of his issues are cyclical in nature and we are currently dipping into some of his old habits. Namely, lies. Probably caught him lying half a dozen times since Friday. This is one thing which fires me up like no other.

After catching him watching TV while he was supposed to be doing chores as discipline for his previous lies, he lies to me again. How in the heck do you lie your way out of getting caught redhanded watching tv? I dunno, but he tried. So I tell him what his list of chores to complete is yet again and head out to shoot my bow to clear my mind. While shooting, my son, Garrett, is kicking his soccer ball around. Next thing I know Geoffrey, our nephew, is out there playing soccer with him. I had just adjusted my sight pin and the bow was resting on my lap. I call him over, scold him, and send him back on his way. Frustrated at his persistent disobedience, I pick up my bow to see if my adjustment was enough. I release the bow to a horrible sound. Yep. I broke one of the cardinal rules in shooting bows. I had forgotten to nock an arrow. Dry fired my new bow and derailed the string. Doesn't appear to have cracked the limbs or damaged the cams, but I need to look it over again. I was absolutely, completely, freaking pissed!

I spent the rest of the day making sure my "old" Hoyt Vectrix was still shooting true and trying to accomplish other chores which needed attention. To top it off, I was bold faced lied to again by "Mr Innocent." Tried to blame the dog this time. This boy needs to learn. Granted, he truly has come a long way in the last year and a half, he still has a way to go. He better start making up some ground in the near future or I am going to wear his ass out moving firewood and picking up dog poop amongst other chores.


*Supporting Member*
or I am going to wear his ass out moving firewood and picking up dog poop

Hey, I got lots and lots of both! LOL

Seriously though, I hate to hear that about your bow and about the nephew troubles. I raised my nephew for 12 years and your troubles with Geoffrey sounds identical in many aspects. I can totally relate to your frustrations. Unfortunately I have no words of wisdom to pass along as I never did get Jordan straightened out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nothing anyone can say to help Diane. Thus the "Dump Thread". Sometimes you just need to dump your headaches off and move along. One day at a time with this boy. I have a job to do. I am doing it. I am giving him the tools he needs to succeed in life. It is his choice as to whether or not he wants to use these tools. Right now he is making the poor choice of not using these tools. His behaviors are cyclical though and I will be on him like stink on poop until he turns it around. Unfortunately, my frustration combined with his distraction led me to making a stupid mistake. Stuff happens. I am pissed. In the big scheme of things though, just another day. There are plenty of people out there with bigger issues than mine. Temporary setbacks. For example, I am still very blessed and fortunate to have my old bow. Not that I ever planned on selling it as I have too much sentimental value invested in it, but some people are not so fortunate. Some can't buy a newer one without selling the old one. Worst case scenario (and no I am not stirring the pot here, just not my thing), I could use my son's crossbow. Wouldn't be as satisfying to me, but it is still getting out in the woods and hunting. Like I said, I am fortunate and blessed. Things could always be worse.

Hope that back of your starts feeling better soon!


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Really hate to hear this Phil, all you can do is be persistent and continue to give him the tools to succeed , which you are doing. Like you said ultimately it is up to him, and I hope your bow is good too go!


Senior Member
Got woken up this morning by the boy telling me someone hit my truck parked out In front of my house. Dumbass woman turned around in neighbors driveway and backed into.. busted up the bumper and right fender. Pushed the bumper into drivers wheel to where I can't turn right without it rubbing... Oh yeah she had no license and no insurance....:mad:


Senior Member
No hunting for me this weekend..


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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
No hunting for me this weekend..

EPE, take a strap or chain hook it too the outside edge of the bumper then hook it too a stationary object and back up a few inches.... Have a spotter watching at a safe distance.... That'll pull away pretty easy so you can at least drive it..... Good luck....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
EPE, take a strap or chain hook it too the outside edge of the bumper then hook it too a stationary object and back up a few inches.... Have a spotter watching at a safe distance.... That'll pull away pretty easy so you can at least drive it..... Good luck....

I would agree. If nothing else, there are only 4-8 bolts holding it on. Those bumpers don't do much anymore. Not like the old ones. Used to knock trees and stuff down with our truck bumpers. The new ones are flimsy.