Well had a great weekend, and then the week went to shit with the first project started this morning at work, I was setting the torque spec with a 3/4 inch torque wrench on a diesel head on my mill when my right hand slipped off the end of wrench and placed all the pull on my left arm, TOO make a long story short I'm setting here at home now with an ice pack wrapped around my shoulder and typing with one hand. The Doc said that I have either tore the muscle loose at the end of my shoulder , tore my rotator cuff (sp)? or both!!!! they are supposed to call tommorow morning with a date for an MRI, so in the meantime I am restricted from using my left arm at all, which really sucks because I'm left handed to top it off!! looks like my turkey season is done before it even started and possibly early bow season depending on what exactly is wrong. The doc said 12 to 16 weeks off work depending on what is wrong and what surgery is performed, if the muscle is torn loose he said it would probably require some stainless screws and small plates to fix it, either way it looks like I better get used to doing things right handed for awhile!!