Ben - you're a lucky man to have had a Grandfather for so many years. Try to enjoy what time there is left. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of my own Grandpa. Most often it's driving down the road, thinking of something outdoor related, and then wanting to call and tell him. Miss him all the time.
Dale & Jim - I'm continuing to pray for you both.
My dump... Spent Easter throwing up, pretty much emptied everything out from the bottom of my toes on up... made it through church service but was wondering at what point in time was I gonna have to make a dash to the men's room. I kept getting hot and dizzy, and pictured myself dashing down the center aisle & out the back doors. Got home, laid down, then 30 minutes later it started. My daughter had the same thing on Friday. Today is much better, but still unsure about eating.