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The TOO dump thread


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Nicest assholes around. All joking aside, this is exactly how I feel about this great group of assholes. This ain't your ordinary keyboard fairy land, this is a family. Welcome to it brother!


Junior Member
I joined because John talked very highly of you all, there's 4 buddy's on a farm, we are like y'all but they don't do stuff like this. We are pretty tight I hope to get that way in this group.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I joined because John talked very highly of you all, there's 4 buddy's on a farm, we are like y'all but they don't do stuff like this. We are pretty tight I hope to get that way in this group.

Bunch of good guys on this site, we give each other so shit now and then... Well maybe more then that but it's all in fun lol... Most will give ya the shirt off their backs if they knew they could help you out in a time in need...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I joined because John talked very highly of you all, there's 4 buddy's on a farm, we are like y'all but they don't do stuff like this. We are pretty tight I hope to get that way in this group.

We are all pretty tight. Except John. He is a sloppy, bow legged, lady of the night. :smiley_crocodile:

Ok. I don't know this for a fact. I just heard it was true. And yes. Dang good group of people here (John included).


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well I guess it'll eventually happen to everyone if you hunt long enough.... After 30+ years of hunting some thieving bastards got to me finally.... Put up a stand and moved one yesterday.... First one that went up was a new one (thanks Phil) worked out good and should be a good spot.... Went to take one down and the support that goes from the ladder to the tree about 4' or so off the ground was no longer there.... In afterthought I had replaced all the quick release pins on it accept for the brace it still had a wing nut and pin in it.... Should of just put bolts in that as well as the cable lock and hardware probably prevented them from grabbing any of the ladder sections....
Going to call rivers edge Monday to see what it'll take to replace it....
I've walked by it a few times this summer to make sure it was still there but never close enough to get a good look at it....
Got it down and moved to a different spot and will add the brace when I get it.... That thing sure makes a difference going up and down that ladder lol....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Could of been worse, whole stand could be gone or trashed it trying to get it.... Had a good run for not getting fugged with though lol