Up and drinking my coffee, should be in stand a hour before legal light. Gonna hunt the new property and see what I can learn about this place, just wanting to see some deer at this point and watch the sunrise from a tree stand.
Just got off work and heading out in a hour. There were 15 deer on my lawn and 2 were at least 125" as I pulled in. I rent a house on 48 acres and loaded with deer but the landlord won't let me hunt it. View attachment 16192View attachment 16193
Just leaving the truck didn't hunt this stand at all last season due to crop rotation. Need to give it a visual safety check and put another strap on it.
Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop boooooom. Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop boom ! Haha that's all I hear
Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop boooooom. Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop boom ! Haha that's all I hear