I had 3 doe come out in the beans last evening at 6, they ate a few bites and went back in the woods and came back out at 7 but never got any closer than 60. So today I took my blind out and brushed it in along the treeline. They came out at 6 but stayed along the treeline 40 yards up, they went back in and I figured they would do the same thing as last night but they didn't. Instead a 6 point walks out 20 yards in front of me and starts eating beans broadside. He kept looking in the woods and I was hoping for his daddy to walk out but he never did, the 6 strolled out in the field and left. Now I won't be able to hunt the evening until sunday cause of work:tantrum:
And by the way, the 6 point put his nose in the air for about 7 seconds then went back to eating, nothing to smell but Hickory smoke!