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TOO Fall Outing: Strouds Run October 11-13

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    Votes: 18 58.1%
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    Votes: 9 29.0%
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    Votes: 4 12.9%

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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'll bring some fish...and whatever we need if anyone can suggest it.

Additionally, I think I'll be bringing Mason's best friend and his father along. The boy hasn't been able to deer hunt much the last couple of years, so I'm really hoping we can find him a deer to watch and perhaps shoot. I'm getting one of my inlines squared away for him to use. As much as I was looking forward to coming, it will be even a little better if they make it down with us!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I'll bring something. Gotta think about it some more. Man, I gotta get my muzzy sighted in as well! Next week...

Jesse, are we gonna throw some $$$ in for a canopy? What about taking up a collection to pay for the group campsite as well?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I'll bring something. Gotta think about it some more. Man, I gotta get my muzzy sighted in as well! Next week...

Jesse, are we gonna throw some $$$ in for a canopy? What about taking up a collection to pay for the group campsite as well?

And the extra shitter...


Junior Member
So I know its antlerless only but are there any other goofy regulations for the weekend we need to be aware of? Standard deer tag or are others available for the weekend to work?

There are very extensive trails throughout the park, they are used and used alot. People walk there dogs and people mountain bike. Last week-end when I was down there I swear I counted 50 bikers in one pack. Mr.Rex ought to be able to verify this but I think it is 50 or 100 yds from trail is the requirement for hunters. The trail systems continue to grow each year and so does the traffic on them.


Staff member
Jesse: Deer BBQ will be my contribution for lunch Friday. I also plan to bring a deer loin and french fry making materials, deep fryer. DO of Texas style beans. Cornhole boards, tiki torches, and the rest of my camping supplies.

Kevin: Leaf blower, coffee pot. D.O. of banana stuffed peppers, if any peppers can be found ... if not, then meatballs. D.O. of boneless country style ribs. TOO be continued ....

Dante: Fish batter, gambrel, knives, cutting board for butchering deer. Paper plates, cups, napkins, plastic silverware.

Ron: Fish, soup beans.

Beener: Venison Sausages, Goose wraps, Mexi-dip.

Gordo: Gas grill, 3 coolers with ice.

Brock: Fish


I'll get a final number for what we need to cover everything this week and we'll start a collection. What we don't cover before hand, can be given to me at Strouds. The big thing is paying for the tent up front. We can pay Mike for the campground on Sunday, so that gives me time to collect $ from others. The canopy will be $250 and the group camp was $110 last year, so I assume it will be in the same ball park this year. That said, we have 15 confirmed, which I know will be much greater. Let's say $125 for the group camp and $250 for canopy puts us at $375 total. If we have 25 people chip in, that's $15 a head.


Staff member
I'm not fooling with an extra shitter BTW. They run $75 and I really don't think we need one. If you all insist, I'll get one. But I think we can survive without it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
There are very extensive trails throughout the park, they are used and used alot. People walk there dogs and people mountain bike. Last week-end when I was down there I swear I counted 50 bikers in one pack. Mr.Rex ought to be able to verify this but I think it is 50 or 100 yds from trail is the requirement for hunters. The trail systems continue to grow each year and so does the traffic on them.

400 feet from trails. That means mapped trails. Ill bring plenty of trail maps.

(A) Notwithstanding any provisions of rule 1501:41-15-08, of the Administrative Code, no person shall at any time take, hunt, trap, kill, pursue, or shoot at any wildlife and/or wild animals by any means within four hundred feet of any nature trail, picnic area, construction area, state trail, service area, camping area, residence, barn, service building, shelter house, beach, water or sewage treatment facility, backpack trail, latrine, parking lot, cabin, lodge, or other structure or to shoot on, from, or across any road, or driveway within any area administered by the division.


Junior Member
Thanks for the confirmation on that one, I was down near the entrance to the campground and was looking at the map that included all the new Bike/trail systems they have added. I plan to pick an updated one at the boat house for a couple bucks this week-end while I am down there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm not fooling with an extra shitter BTW. They run $75 and I really don't think we need one. If you all insist, I'll get one. But I think we can survive without it.

Agreed - short walk to the state outhouse, which was well maintained - I took a real good shit there last year...roomy and pleasant.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm gonna bring my 4 wheeler and drive all over the Wayne....catch me if you can.


Gordo can I use your gas grill to make bacon hors d'eaurves?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm in the process of using the Athens County GIS system to map out the Poston and WNF Areas west of Athens. At the campout I will have a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood with a very large map And plenty of smaller maps for the taking. The hunting areas are 20 minutes from camp and range in size from 2,000 acres down to smaller parcels scattered here and there that may only be 50 acres. We will have more property to hunt freely then we know what to do with. I am taking the county sections and annotating the property lines for the areas. Below is an example of what I'm talking about. These parcels happened to all be Wayne national Forest.
