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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
How much weight have you lost juicing? A friend of a friend began this 2 months ago and went from 46 pants down to 40 so far.
Not in it for weight loss. I use it as an energy/ nutritional boost. I'm not using it to replace meals.


Well-Known Member
I'm finally seeing a little more downward movement. I weighed in at 179 this morning. Not sure of my actual goal as I'm more interested in losing fat than weight. I need to have my body fat measured.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Couldn't drag my ass out of bed and was slipping through the week. Managed to get to the gym the last two days and then did my own little 5k today. Feeling good!

Really looking for the weather to warm up a little bit more and then find some good outdoor places to jog. I ought to find a 5k this summer to do.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Still holding strong at 205. I have until the end of the month to get to 200 and looks like the weather will help a little.

I felt even better after talking with my doc after discussing blood pressure. I told him my goal of 185 and he said I would be pushing the lowest limit he would recommend for my frame size and bmi. Hoping I can continue to drive to 185 and see how I feel. Any signs of weakness then I'm hitting the weights and will look to maintain 195-200.

Hang in there guys, warm weather is not too far off!


Staff member
Nice work dudes!

I'm hovering at 225. I am really looking forward to getting on the right track after baseball. Definitely committed to improving the quality of my day to day living!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Atta boy Cotty!!! I cant wait to see a 1 as the first number lol:smiley_clap: Im not sure ill recognize ya after a 27lb difference, that is great!

Keep at it Jesse, everyday I get hugs from my little guys reminds me why it is OK to feel like Im starving. We need to be around long enough to pass on our knowledge for atleast a little while. My brother just informed me that our sperm donor had a quad-bypass in his 50's. A promising medical history is not in either of our genes...

Lol, rgecko, i would have politely asked how far off from your weight she was, and just waited for a reaction!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
What's up fatties...

Finished up an April that was strong the first two weeks and then tapered off. Did 23 miles on the treadmill at the gym and made it for some cardio and lifting 14 times out of the 30 days of April. Which isn't bad but I lost a 5 week stretch of getting to the gym 4 times a week. I've been doing a lot of stretching and it's been miraculous to gain some flexibility and loosen up my back. I did about 1,000 miles of windshield time in the last 6 days, but my back feels good whereas before I'd be crying for the chiropractor.

I'm still trying to hit a month where I do a mile for every day in the month...still need to register for a 5k. With some nicer, drier weather in the forecast, I'm hoping to get some trail and pavement time off of the treadmill.


Staff member
Just now getting in to the swing of things. I shave my face in its entirety for the first time in 6 years this weekend and boy do I have one fat fucking face! LOL. Fugly sum bitch I am. Good kick in the ass to get going on this lifestyle change.

Lunch was cottage cheese, shrimp cocktail, cajun crab dip on a spinach wrap, water and a big old mouthful of David Buffalo Ranch sunflower seeds!

Dinner tonight will be a protein with fresh green beans and corn. Had chicken/venison salads last night.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Down to 227 this morning that's down from 260 less than a year ago.
Seems like my moonlighting work is paying off. Almost no change in my eating habits.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Just now getting in to the swing of things. I shave my face in its entirety for the first time in 6 years this weekend and boy do I have one fat fucking face! LOL. Fugly sum bitch I am. Good kick in the ass to get going on this lifestyle change.

Lunch was cottage cheese, shrimp cocktail, cajun crab dip on a spinach wrap, water and a big old mouthful of David Buffalo Ranch sunflower seeds!

Dinner tonight will be a protein with fresh green beans and corn. Had chicken/venison salads last night.

Ha! I haven't shaved my goatee in 4.5 years...gotta cover up the double chin somehow!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Ran 2.3 miles Monday night and tonight. I have an addictive personality so if I can get into a grove it is on. I really need to tune my bike and log some miles to get my mind into being fit again.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm down some but have no idea as too how much as I can't seem too find a scale without going too the med sq and that ain't happening till I get sick hahaha........


Staff member
Kroger vanilla Cardmaster yogurt, packet of Nutri-Grain Chocolatey Chips Crunch bars, and water for breakfast. 28 net carbs, 13 grams of sugar and 12 grams of protein. I'm using the S Health app on my phone to monitor those 3 intakes with goals set for Carbs <100 net per day, Sugars <30 grams, and Protein in the 150-200 gram range.

I'm taking a double dose of high potency fish oil with D vitamins, 2 high performance multi-vitamins, 2 glucosamine chondroitin, a B12 tablet, Maca root and Ginseng. I have been researching some other forumlas for B vitamin and D vitamin combos, so I made add/change/drop something before really settling in on a routine. However I believe in supplements and can definitely tell the difference when I'm diligent about taking them.

I'm now a Black Card holder at Planet Fitness. First official workout comes tomorrow!


Staff member
One day in the can in regards to making solid decisions all around. Jogged a mile tonight while pushing the kid in the stroller. Ate well with the exception of one beer at dinner. Baby steps!
