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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I increased my food intake a little this week but was more strict on what the food was. I was 178.3 pounds this morning. Spoiled myself for lunch with 10 saltine crackers, chunk of hot pepper cheese, pepperoni and pickled jalapeños. Wife also want to take me on a date to Texas roadhouse this evening. Not sure if I'll cheat myself at dinner, we will have to see how this meal settles.

Things I have learned so far.

The less carbs I eat, the less hungry I am.

Without all the carbs retaining water, I need more salt and water than I used to.

I no longer feel like taking a nap after I eat.

Even one bite of fast food makes me feel like garbage.

Things I used to love and crave, don't taste like I remember them. Because if I get something stuck in my head I cave and just eat it. Otherwise it consumes my thoughts for weeks on end. Every time it wasn't satisfying and the cravings ended after eating it. I haven't finished one thing yet either.

Energy level and depression have also gotten much better. Almost more clear thinking now. That could very well be timing with the addition of testosterone boosters.

This is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change. Once the option isn't an option, things are much easier.

Fasting is crazy easy once you pass the hungry stage.

Jesse and I talked last weekend about the texture of things missed. Like the crunch of a good chip. It wasn't the chip I was craving, it was the texture. Once you think like this you can find options to satisfy that itch.

I thought I would get tired of eating meat and eggs...I am not. I'm still not full on carnivor diet, but I am close.

My wife still thinks I'm stupid and I need vegetables.

Pink salt is amazing on almost everything.

The body aches and pains are way less now.

Things I need to work on still.

I need to find an alternative electrolyte drink. The liquid IV has sugar that I would like to cut out.

Morning C4 energy drink needs cut out.

Get off caffeine all together.

Eat more fat.

Cut out that boredom snacking.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
One more major difference I can tell, the difference in drinking purified water and spring water. Purified water doesn't do much to help my body besides making me piss. Spring water helps me stay hydrated and keeps the cramps away. One day of drinking purified water and I will have cramps by late evening. I swear I stay better hydrated drinking busch light all day.
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Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
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After fucking around last summer for like 6 months I gained a lot and I got too comfortable…so it was time to change that. Just wanted to be 100% mentally and physically active like I always have been. After started back in gym since January 2024 I have been killing it. Lift weights for an hour and the. Hit the 15 min cardio. Now weighed myself 210. 🤙
Finished my 28 "Prostate Gland and Lymph Node Tanning Sessions" last Monday. how am I feeling? thankful! I actually gained weight while on treatment.
Still wouldn't know I was sick if they didn't keep telling me...

While on treatment I played golf regularly, along with working out and even push mowing my acre of lawn. Oh and I turned on Social Security and took a part time job at a Golf Club on Lake Erie in the Pro Shop. Free 4-Some golf whenever I want, plus 50% off in the Pro Shop as well as the Restaurant! The greens fees are 60 bucks and the cart fee an added 20 bucks.

I still work a little in my Financial Services practice taking care of current clients and select referrals also.

Now that I am out of Radiation I told the Pro that I realized that I go to the golf course to play and not to work and to replace me now, but that I would be his back up occasionally as a fill in if he needed me. He agreed, so less work and more play for me!

Tomorrow I buckle down and hit the work out and diet routine harder to get the last bit of slob out of me...

My PSA is now 1.16 and my testosterone is now down to 17. Radiation is over and so is the castration pill daily, but I will continue to get a shot in the arse every 3 months for another year and a half...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Pants were getting pretty cinched up again under the belt. So I reached deep into the pule of pants to get to the 32/30 sizes. They all fit, so I suppose the updates in this thread are over for me for a while. Sunday is my weigh in day but I'm 176.9 right this second fully dressed without boots.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Man, that was good!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Talking with Joe yesterday made me do some math. -57 pounds in 6.5 months. My skin doesn't fit. Looking at those numbers gives me anxiety. Not real sure how to feel about it. If I was talking to someone else I would say it is unhealthy...but, is it different because it's myself? On this holiday weekend and I've had 4 beers🤣 and 2 tortilla shells for bad carbs. Lifestyle change is an understatement! I don't know what I'm saying or why I'm posting...just kinda startled me I guess when I did the numbers. Not sure what my next move will be now.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Talking with Joe yesterday made me do some math. -57 pounds in 6.5 months. My skin doesn't fit. Looking at those numbers gives me anxiety. Not real sure how to feel about it. If I was talking to someone else I would say it is unhealthy...but, is it different because it's myself? On this holiday weekend and I've had 4 beers🤣 and 2 tortilla shells for bad carbs. Lifestyle change is an understatement! I don't know what I'm saying or why I'm posting...just kinda startled me I guess when I did the numbers. Not sure what my next move will be now.

If you are feeling good, and can sustain then I think you're where you need to be.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
I FUCKING LOVE the taste of victory, and that comes with a simple number, a single "1" as the leading digit for me this AM. It's so much more than a number that I can't explain it.

21+ years....lawdy

View attachment 179814

Success breeds confidence, confidence breeds success. It's been 1yr, and I'm 203lbs this AM. I hit sub-200 every week, success with small changes that are sustainable. Go get it fellas, it's only an arms reach away!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I said I was done updating, I lied. I have been reintroduced different foods again and really can't find much that doesn't make me feel like crap. So I have basically just been listening to my body. If I'm craving a salad, I eat a salad. Knowing that in 24 hours I'm gonna start feeling cramps and need to find a comfortable bathroom NOW. Yet I can eat carrots, broccoli or cucumbers and not have any problems. Bread in small doses like thin crust pizza is okay, just don't eat more than a couple of pieces. It makes me feel slow and lethargic, but not overly lazy. Mind blowing how I used to eat all the things that make me feel like crap every day. Then wonder why I always felt like shit. Drunk eating is the worst. I eat garbage and will pay for that. If I just eat my normal food or not at all, I'm perfectly fine. But them drunk pizza rolls and pretzels dipped in cheese...shewwww, with a cookie before bed. Drunk me likes that kind of meal🤣🤣🤣

168.9 this morning. But it was an extraordinary week being on the road for storm work. I ate zero fast food👍🏾. Ate a bunch of Kroger deli meat and cheese. Went to longhorn one day for a steak and double salad but that was it. Hotel eggs and bacon for breakfast. I think I'd like to go back up to 175'ish. But I'm also guessing it is because I'm worn out. 90 hours in the last 6 days. 2.5 years ago I wondered if I'd ever be able to do physical labor again. If you really want change, make it happen folks. I started my diet before I started diabetic medication. Doctor encouraged me to at least take the medication for a year. We decided on mounjaro. Only one week did I feel like it did anything and that was after not having it for the 2 weeks prior. We also had to jump up in does because that was what was available. My numbers are stable and I can honestly say I feel pretty damn good. I think people with the side effects are people that don't need it that are taking it for weight lose. Those of us that need it, need it, so it hits us different. I had a pretty wild binge drinking week a couple weeks ago and still didn't have the side effects people complain about.

Eggs, meat, cheese is my fuel. Mixed with what I crave. No sugar past what alcohol turns into. I don't feel my age most days. The power is in you if you want this. But it isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change. You gotta want it for you, not because of looks. I was fat and happy for years. Now I'm paying for that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
I've been consistently under 200lbs for a couple weeks straight since summer heat hit, and 195 is showing up more and more every couple of days. Going to be tough the next 2-3wks with fair, BG pulls, and kids back to school, but I'm confident the life changes will help right the ship quickly if I just do my part and lace up the shoes and go downstairs and put in the work.

There was an update to the Solo treadmill app and it wiped my history clean. The new interface sucks, switching back to just using the smart watch moving forward. Keep at it fellas!