Dang Adam, I need you to hold my hand through this! Lol
You seem very knowledgable on this.
The main thing I've seen is guys complaint of a wobble in 4wd at higher speeds.
I really don't want to lift the truck all around so I'm hoping just leveling it will give me a little "tougher" look. Or am I crazy and won't really notice much difference?
I take another pic tomorrow that goes the difference in front and rear a little better. It is pretty noticeable.
4wd systems are a beautiful thing my friend, and.....
You'll be just fine. It's one of those things that is scary at first, but it's a mechanical system. I am not familiar with the setup of the newer dodges, therefore I can't go into specifics.
To be generic: a 2" leveling kit for "most" 4wd platforms these days are a cheap, easy, and effective upgrade. You could also change the look of your truck a decent amount by just changing rubber (which you'll most likely do with the leveling kit, right?).
New tires (measured and known for max size or under, for OEM chassis height) can do a good deal for the look, but depends on what you plan on doing with the truck. The intended use has to be known first and foremost. A rig like C1000 has a completely different intentinal use than your rig. I personally feel with the 20" chrome wheels, you're going to need more than 2" of lift to be happy if you do a suspension lift, unless you can stuff some pretty good rubber in there at OEM height.
Essentially every chassis system is built off one of the general designs (SFA, IFS). Each component adds to the final weighted position of the system as a whole. Each component (coil springs, leaf springs, shackles, shocks, UCA's, LCA's, torsion bars, etc) all play a specific role. If one of those components is out of spec for it's intended use, then the system as a whole suffers and/or, over time (sometimes immediately) comes apart (i.e. death wobble).
Keep it as close to OEM specs (angles, etc.), the better. Understand what the role of each component is in the system and you'll begin to understand what changes when you alter that component. A steering stablizer is nothing more than a "shock" mounted in the horizontal position. If you want to really avoid or fix death wobble, then you have to understand what component does not fit the system. Sometimes wobble (or commonly vibration) is from a driveline issue. You will kill U-joints and other joints/gear boxes prematurely.