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Well... How did your turkey season go?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Really quiet here.
Pizza I had last night is pressing hard against my sphincter.
Not sure how much longer I can hold out.
Wish I had brought some t.p.

I grab the biggest green leaves I can find and use those for t.p. If they have 3 let them be lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Best turkey season ever if I needed to make it short. Then again it is my second season and I never saw or heard a turkey last year.

1st hunt- skunked
2nd hunt- saw 3 turkeys but way off in the distance
3rd hunt- Called in a tom only to have a gun not function
4th hunt- Heard over 100 gobbles on roost but couldn't get him close enough once on the ground.
5th hunt (today)- Chatted with a hen and she ended up hanging with my decoys for close to an hour. Got some random gobbles at various distances. Saw him peak his head over the crest at roughly 200yds but never got a shot.

Overall- I learned a lot and had an opportunity I couldn't cash in on. I really can't complain. It was a great experience this year.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I had a fun, safe and successful season. I didn't see or hear the number of birds I normally due each season, but was able to seal the deal on one.

Aside from the bird I killed, I didn't hear any other gobbling this year. That was disappointing. I hunted 7 of the 8 weekend mornings but some were very short hunts because of family commitments. I am yet to hunt late morning or afternoon/evening, maybe next year.


Junior Member
First I would like to start by saying....Zach your the man!

My season went as normal, fill done tag and ate the other. Started out bowhunting them damn birds but soon gave that chit up and went after em'
Maybe next year! Congrats to everyone that killed a bird


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My season was a long one. I hunted as much as I possibly could without getting in trouble with my wife. Lol First mention about me hunting was this past Saturday(2nd to the last day) so I got away with it I guess. Lol. She did bring up how my turkey hunting was an extention of my long shed hunting season which started right after or during my deer hunting season. :pickle:lmao

My season consisted of very high highs and some very boring mid day lows. All in all, I would say it was a very good season even though I didn't even fire my gun....but I did have my safety off at least a half a dozen times!lmao


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
My season was crappy Tennessee was very slow and I didn't get to hunt but 3 or 4 times here. Work has been too busy lately. Now its on too deer season got one more plot to finish this week and then its time to run some cams.

Big H

Senior Member
Not as good as the last couple years, but I was able to get out a few times, heard some birds and got to work a few of them. One ended up being a suicidal jake that hopefully will have the same trait next year. I was able to get a pretty good bird late in the season and if I would have had more time, I feel that I could have gotten a 2nd, but time is not something I have much of these days.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Had a great year for not being able to hunt much. My job is pretty much controlled by the weather so we never really had enough rain to call it a day. Luckily I was able to kill two birds in six times out. I killed one as he took one step from his landing and then killed my second one as they were ready to fly up to roost.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
A typical season for me, some days are better than others. Dissappointment was my Mom not getting to pull the trigger even tho we had birds all over us in the 3 days we got to hunt together, I do feel that if she was a little more mobile she could have filled her tag but for 66 and wearing a knee brace she don't do TOO bad. My daughter got a great experience that will hopefully have her want to try again next season. A big plus was getting to meet and hunt with Ron (Fullbore) and watching him take his first long beard.


spencerville oh
Me and my hunting partner killed 4 birds 3 in first week and one last week that we had worked four days and we finally got him to fly off the roost to our side of the river. Seemed to be a lot less birds gobbling due to the lack of two year old birds. We should have a good hatch this year, can't wait for next April. Crops in the ground turkey season over its time to fish.


*Supporting Member*
Had a good season. Tagged out quickly as did my Turkey hunting partner . I really enjoy watching other people shoot em as much as shooting em myself ..actually more . Looking forward to next yr and I'm thinking of goin to the Dakotas or tx to hunt to .


Junior Member
central Ohio
It was a good year. Brother and I shot birds opening morning.
This guy should have stayed with his 3 ladies instead of charging the jake decoy...could have lived another year..
BOOM, FLOP!!...10"beard-1 1/8 spurs



*Supporting Member*
I wish D-RON was still around to talk about his thrilling flat land experiences and of course the mountain man and his pure public land ownage.

Joe and I killed 3 birds in 6 hunts. Very minimal gobbling. Heard more gobbling this recent sunday morning than all year combined, even then the birds wouldnt commit to my world class calling. I think the wet spring from 2 years ago screwed that hatch, and the late winter threw our spring season out of whack. Strangest season by far. I accidentally killed 2 jakes but saw a hefty crop of them this year.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Well, my season had a great ending, but my work schedule and other priorities didn't allow me to hunt that much. I managed to hunt two mornings. The first morning I didn't see a turkey or even hear one. However, I hooked up with my new buddy, Aaron Holdren for a morning hunt on our own property. We heard lots of gobbling and saw two hens and I roached the only TOM that we saw. It was my first long beard and the memory will last a life time.

I do feel very lucky however, my brother hunted his friggin butt off, as a lot of other people have and didn't score on one. It just goes to show that I would rather be lucky than good!
I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it to Ohio this year so my turkey season boiled down to one day and the most important thing was that it was also my son's first actual hunt. Him shooting his first critter and me and my buddy being right there was priceless. Better than I ever could have imagined.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it to Ohio this year so my turkey season boiled down to one day and the most important thing was that it was also my son's first actual hunt. Him shooting his first critter and me and my buddy being right there was priceless. Better than I ever could have imagined.



*Supporting member*
It was a good year for me. Probably in the top five since I started chasing them almost 30 years ago. We've had a few seasons that will never be duplicated. Like the spring of 1993, when we filmed 18 kills in a 21 day, (1 bird limit), season...those were the days. Or the spring of 2000 when we killed 22 in 20 mornings of hunting...this # was padded by 4 birds on the last day......


...the last gobbler tipped over just as the fat lady began to warm up.

The highlight of this year was watching my oldest son continue to mature as a hunter. Ryan has been calling up and killing gobblers since he was 7 years old. He has known for a long time how the game is played. It's just been a few of the intangibles that needed refining. I'm proud to say I've been relieved of my duties as boss gobbler in our flock.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great to hear many had great seasons. Mike and Chuck- Sounds very rewarding. I look forward to these same feelings as I watch my son. Congratulations.