Coming up on a year being in the new home this week. Wow, is all I can say... It’s been a fun/exasperating experience too sum it up. The house is pretty much squared away with what we wanted too do. New kitchen counters, most of the rooms have been painted too the wife’s specifications
Theres still a couple of projects that need too be accomplished but the big ticket items are done for the most part. Adding another ceiling fan in the garage, a new man door as well is in the works. A spot light on the one side of the garage for lighting up the property line needs added as well and the lighting will be completed and we’ll be able too see any unwanted critters that our knuckle headed shepherd will wanna chase off.
I will say i have some great friends who show up and and help me knock out projects and work for food and alcohol
oh and some fishing as well....
Seems my trips too Ohio are averaging about once a month, and don’t see that diminishing any time soon
. The wife is up there currently watching the daughter and SIL’s house/dogs for the week. She’ll come home and I’ll be heading up a day later for Strouds
Then of course deer hunting too follow.
The only frustration that has occurred has been the driveway and multiple inches of rain all in a short period of time. We’ve had 4 instances where we’ve had 4+”s of rain and wash out areas of the drive. But we’ve alleviated the majority of the problem areas but still have a few spots that need attention and some of them require a culvert replacement. Hopefully that’ll be done this winter, have the equipment, the material but we’ll be closing access too the Remote Control airplane park that shares the first 200’ of our right away. Still trying too touch base with their management too work out the details of shutting them down for a day or two. Don’t think it’ll be an issue but you never know.....