Wiley E Coyote
Active Member
I bought my tags today! That's what I did for them ...

Was it in the same bedding projects? 2017 postI have been compiling supplies and have my planning complete. I did what I could on the coyote front killing 2 males, now I'm switching gears to habitat management projects. Going to improve some bedding next weekend to kick things off.
ok were is this so we go read all the replies
I have no proof or anything to back it up. Just me brainstorming. I have not seen fawns like I used to. Major change has been corn piles. Corn is not a great source of food/nutrition for anything. Sure, deer are natural browsers and don't "live" off of corn alone. I just know that haven't killed a deer in the last 10 years that wasn't full of corn. From opening weekend to the last weekend. That isn't natural at all.You have me wondering now Dave. I'm already a glass half empty kind of person but on cameras I have seen 3 fawns all summer, cameras running year round. One doe with twins and a single to another doe. Keep in mind we did get hit with EHD last year too so there could be other underlying reasons. Coyotes and bobcats are definitely running around so who knows. But we also we haven't been sitting in stands yet this year so who knows what others are out there. The idea that GMO corn could be fucking the fawn production is something I hadn't considered.
You are in a different class than 99% of people with your deer herd. But either way, do you have piles of corn year around?We were hit hard by EHD last year but I have seen more fawns this year than past years. Lots of does with 2 fawns and one old doe has triplets.View attachment 184647
No corn year around. Most of the neighbors do have corn around us. We have a feeder on one farm, filled it up in January for winter feeding and its been empty since March. A guy can still kill a deer without corn but everyone seems to think if the neighbors are doing it I have to do it.You are in a different class than 99% of people with your deer herd. But either way, do you have piles of corn year around?
That’s really frustrating. Hopefully it’s an isolated or fluke occurrence and you don’t have to deal with this consistently.Call the dog warden, that's what I'm gonna do. View attachment 205950View attachment 205951
At least 2 hours of chasing these deer around. I don't blame the dogs at all. People suck.