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What DO You Collect?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ok Dick this is what i have.3 old reels and a couple old rods and assortment of lures.
Like i said i have had them for 35 yrs and honestly they have been in the tackle box since i have had them and the old guy had thwm stored on his house for many many yrs.
Might be all crap but i kinda think they are pretty coolcool,more pics coming. uploadfromtaptalk1439751952577.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439751974957.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439751989546.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439752006497.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439752030814.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439752050260.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439752066022.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439752077791.jpg


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Man, I love looking at old fishing tackle. I don't really collect anything but if I did that would be one of my first choices. I've got a couple old reels and a few lures from the 40s and 50s but don't consider myself a collector. Maybe some day.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I don't collect a bunch of things either. I have a few old reels, a few old metal toy cars, and a bunch of junk. My wife says I collect tools, I have more than a couple I've never used and I'm not sure I ever will.

I will take a shot at the tackle gear and say 70's era. I remember seeing lots of those types of things when I was a kid in the 80's. I also think the push bottom style reels came out in the early 70's. This is just a guess though, I've never really looked into it. Just going off fishing stories I've heard.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shed collecting. Guess you could say I collect some guns too. Little of this and that in many different areas. A couple backhoes, a few bobcats, a handful of motorcycles. I wouldn't call that collecting though. Most any of them I would sell. Sheds and a handful of guns I wouldn't sell would be my collected items. I also have a good 1974 Norton Commando 850 Roadster I wouldn't sell. It is a collectible but I don't have multiples so not sure it would be called "a collection."

I guess there is the old baseball card collection. I still have it. I tucked it away to forget about it until a later date. Thousands of cards. Possibly a 10000 plus. I am not interested in buying any more. Just letting them simmer and appreciate. Some may climb. Others may be where they are in value and not change much in the next several decades. Guess time will tell.
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