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What's For Dinner?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
uploadfromtaptalk1411865591202.jpgthe wife made home made potato soup with bacon.Yep bacon man was it good.


Staff member
Nailed the grill marks tonight! The stainless steel grates on my grill do a nice job and have held up really well. Happy I went that route now.



Staff member
Very nice!

I'm heading to my rents here shortly to make my dad's favorite meal for him: spaghetti. Got some fresh herbs, farm fresh beef and pork, and all the trimmings. It'll be far better than you can get at any of the run of the mill Italian places around here. Love and quality ingredients make great food!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Didn't take any pictures of it but made some good stuff earlier. A friend of ours made a bunch of homemade noodles and she gave us some. Cooked those up with beef broth and the flour in the noodles turns it into a thick gravy. Cooked some backstrap pieces in butter and threw that into the noodles. Good stuff! Thinking about making some mashed potatoes to go with it tomorrow since I still have a giant pan of it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Didn't take any pictures of it but made some good stuff earlier. A friend of ours made a bunch of homemade noodles and she gave us some. Cooked those up with beef broth and the flour in the noodles turns it into a thick gravy. Cooked some backstrap pieces in butter and threw that into the noodles. Good stuff! Thinking about making some mashed potatoes to go with it tomorrow since I still have a giant pan of it.

Ya buddy, mashed taters would be crucial!
Some good looking meals lately! Had venison meatloaf last night for dinner and will again for lunch today. Kind of reminds me I need to get my ass going and make a few things for my trip down. Chili, meatloaf, stew, etc....all venison of course LOL!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
No pics, but since I've been working the fugged up shifts, I've been home alone in the afternoons. So other than uninterrupted masturbating, I've had nothing to do other than cook what I want. The wife is a picky eater, so I don't always get to add what I want. Today was something simple that I haven't had in so long. Just plain old backstraps rolled in flour and fried in butter, along with some fried taters and onions. Sometimes the simple things are what cures the soul


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can't take credit for this, but I'll share since I did eat it. At my other " deer camp " we ate like kings as well. Here's a few pics....

Turtle :

Hen of the Woods along with my ribeye:

Fresh trout w/ brisket underneath in a homemade smoker using flower pots :