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What's For Dinner?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I knew you'd appreciate that Chuck. ..lol. Charles, I'm at the half way point & I'm averaging about a 40 degree difference with the plates for its first run.

How much warm up time? 40 degree difference seems a bit high with tuning plates.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Warm up time was @ 25 min give or take. I was aiming for a blue smoke, so I let the heat settle before adding anything. I agree with the high diff as you mentioned, though it fluctuated to a somewhat even temp later on. I'll just have to play with the plates. I bet you were quite happy with your new arrival ! I took the eggs & made egg salad. I'm hoping there'll be a smoky hint to it by tomorrow evening, so I dunno.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I would let it warm for longer. Takes a while to get that metal warm. Mine was 50 degree difference at the 20 minute mark and 3 degrees different at 45 minutes.


Junior Member
Mother's Day dinner :)
Dry rubbed Turkey breast with a garlic sauce ( basting sauce) in the smoker , glaZed baked ham, slow cooked southern baked beans with thick cut bacon, tomato and cucumber salad and good rolls :))
