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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My Dad finished up his last days in the classroom last week. He has been teaching for 43years. We are very proud of him. Mom and Dad came over for a cookout tonight. Had a cookout, ate some birthday cake, and I pulled Dad off to the side. I said, "hey, let's get out of here without the kids. It's my birthday. No way the wife is going to object. We need to go fishing tonight." We just got back in. Didn't catch anything to brag about but had a great time and laughed a lot. Only thing missing was my younger brother or my uncle (Dad's brother). Many times in our youth, one of them was along with us to fish.

Dad said it more than once "We need to do this more often." I'd say he is darn right! After serving the public for 43 years teaching the youth, I hope he gets out fishing more often. With any luck, I will be able to join him. He is a great man. He deserves to go fishing, ride his motorcycles, and enjoy life whenever he wants to, and now he should be able to! Congratulations Dad!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
So glad to hear you and your dad spending some quality time together on your birthday Phil. Forty three years is a very long career in any line of work. Congrats to your father on his well deserved retirement.

Remember Fathers Day is a few weeks away! Maybe you guys can get somemore fishing in.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Remember Fathers Day is a few weeks away! Maybe you guys can get somemore fishing in.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't that be perfect? To me, these are some of the best presents. Maybe a little background for those not aware. Dad had a quadruple by-pass at 59yrs of age. Scared the crap out of us as he is in shape, no family history, etc. Kind of sad it takes something life threatening to make you appreciate little moments like the fishing he and I shared yesterday. I hope to get out there fishing with Dad again soon.


Staff member
From Minnesota to Belpre courtesy of Tom with Monster Raxx! Thank you sir!! I'll be setting up 3 side-by-side comparison test using these products and will make a thread dedicated to the test and results in the coming week. I'm excited to get this stuff in the woods!!!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
From Minnesota to Belpre courtesy of Tom with Monster Raxx! Thank you sir!! I'll be setting up 3 side-by-side comparison test using these products and will make a thread dedicated to the test and results in the coming week. I'm excited to get this stuff in the woods!!!

View attachment 7208

Hell yea... Looking forward to the test results!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Went into the Amazon tab at the top of the forum page and ordered 6 of the 8GB SD cards for my cams today. They should be here by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. Get the new cam at the end of the month and put all 3 cams out (only have one going right now) an about for a few weeks and see whats going on out there :smiley_clap:


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Heck yeah guys! Phil, hope you and pop can do something together soon. Congrats to BM's mom in her retirement. Great gesture on Toms part in sending some MR minerals for a test experiment. Can't have enough SD cards....keep us updated on those pics Adam! Good stuff guys!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
On a personal note, me and the family had a great relaxing weekend for a change. Just hung out around the house and grilled.

Yesterday(Mon) I put on my long-sleeved shirt,gloves,pants and rubber boots and took to the poison ivy thicket to do some stand prep. I used a folding saw and machete and cleared out three trees and their shooting lanes the best I could. Sweating like a pig! Dang it was warm! I got most of the clearing done except up high where I need my extension pruners but I made alot of head way. Two sets are for a SW to W wind and another for a W to NW wind. I'm pretty excited because the farmers on opposite side of it have corn planted and both fields are around 10 to 14 acres. The other two sides are huge CRP field and a woodlot. The woodlot is interesting though. It stetches about 3/4 of a mile and has houses(6 on each side) and the deer use it as a travel corridor. The dogs will let me know when the deer are on the move. I'm stoked! Just hope I don't have any other hunters messing me up though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I will second what Ric said: Huge congrats to Buckmaster's Mom as well! May she enjoy retirement as much as she enjoyed getting Ben out of the house. . . . oh wait, that is what she will be doing the first 6 months of retirement. Well then, may she enjoy retirement, and enjoy it that much more in 6mo!!!!!:smiley_crocodile:

Ric- I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I feel your pain in the poison ivy department. Glad to hear you got to relax this weekend and get some work done on the stands! That is TOO good!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have some dead trees on the property line on the 65 property. Not sure if they are mine or the neighbors, but they are covered in Poison Ivy. 4 total, two being totally dead and the other two not looking good. I am thinking they will be sprayed heavily in the very near future. I know I will end up cutting them down or at least cutting them up when they fall. I just don't get along with PI at all! No word from Ric yet, maybe he escaped the wrath this time.