Lives of the self employed can be a roller coaster. Seems there are always ups and downs. It is just part of the job you learn to deal with and over the years it seems like the highs are not as high, but the lows are not as low. Right now I am on a low but starting to climb. That is TOO good.
We do the majority of our work in the spring/early summer. You spend all your spring start up capital and while you are doing the most work, you have the smallest amount of money in your account. It seems weird to feel "broke" when you have been invoicing a large percentage of your work the last 2-3 months. However, your fuel and payroll costs are up, you are required to purchase materials such as mulch/seed/plants, and the money never seems to start "catching up" until late June or July. At this point the payroll and fuel tapers off a bit, money starts to show up, and you start saving for the winter and next spring. Happens every year.
I got a "bonus" this week. We put one of our sweeper trucks on a job during the day this week. Looks like it is going to lead to more work. We did some street sweeping for a seal coating company performing crack sealing for a small town. The seal coating company was thrilled and looks like they will be putting the truck to work more often. Top it off with the mayor of this town was also impressed and is interested in a price to sweep the town a couple times per year and after their annual town festivals. Feels pretty good. I also received a voice mail about a landscape renovation at a large retail complex yesterday. I wasn't sure if we would get the bid or not, but they issued a PO number yesterday! Yee-haw! Timing couldn't be better. By the time plant materials are in, the PO goes thru, and we have the job scheduled, my mowing crew will be slowing down. It will keep those guys busy when normally their hours start to dwindle, and keep us busy another week or so with the landscaping crew. These aren't really "homeruns", but it all adds up. I will take a stand-up double and 2 RBIs every at bat I can get it!
Pretty good way to get over the mid-week hump! TOO good!