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Wildlife 2021/2022 Deer Season


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
3:00 p.m. Sunday, June 20, 2010:

My bad folks!

Just a little technical difficultly. I forgot to turn on the extended battery for the camera so, I ran home real quick to turn it on. Now the LIVE broadcast should be good to go for the remainder of the daylight hours. If anyone is interested in watching the broadcast, just click on the LIVE feed below.

I will say that it is awfully warm and muggy out today so, I do not expect the deer to be all that active until the evening hours. None have showed thus far since the beginning of the first LIVE broadcast.

Denny - what type of comms are you using from Camera <-> Youtube Internet feed? Very cool.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Denny - what type of comms are you using from Camera <-> Youtube Internet feed? Very cool.

Sorry for the late response, I just got home from spending the day with the in-laws.

Anyhow, five years ago I installed a private wireless network at our property that covers the entire 13 acres and then some, including a few of my hunting setups.

We do not get regular cell service out where we currently live and everything goes through our internet service provider, which is the business class service version of a 100meg/sec both up & down transmission rate, so everything that we use, such as all of our multiple television streaming, home phone, cellphones, texts, videos and computer VPN internet connections goes through one of the multiple WiFi Access Points that connects to one of the two different routers I configured and installed, then from there it goes through our service providers modem to the internet.

The access points have been installed since late 2015, which are the following below specifically.

Ubiquiti PicoStationM2HP - Wireless Access Point - AirMax - 802.11 B/G/N (PICOM2HUS)​

Ubiquiti LocoM2 2-PACK Nanostation LocoM2 AirMax Outdoor PoE CPE 2.4GHz 5+km​

The ProStationM2HP is attached to our house and two of the Nanostations are located on other buildings, such as my workshop and our cabin. No matter where I am on our property, I have full bars of WiFi wireless service with this current private network setup and I have had no issues since day I installed it over five years ago.

The camera connects to my cabin WiFi Access Point via wirelessly, approximately 75 yards away.

I appreciate your comment on my LIVE broadcast today, thank you! IDK if you caught the last couple of hours of it or not, but I had over a dozen deer hit the feed location. More than half of them were bucks.

Today was much more muggier than previous days or weeks, so I expected the deer to stay bedded most of the day. It was obvious to me when they awoke and rose from their beds that many of them hit either the creek and then the food, or visa versa. I am sure both feed locations will be quite active tonight with most of the deer trying to get caught up on their food intake that they missed out on during this hot muggy day we had today.

I will try to do another LIVE broadcast rather soon.

Happy Father's Day to you, hope you had a good one!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
3:00 p.m. - Monday, June 21, 2021:

(Feed location #2 is officially shutdown today and I expanded the original feed station to accommodate more deer. Both photographs above were taken around noon today.)

A quick passing thunderstorm just came through so, I wanted to share a quick update with you all.

I officially shutdown FEED LOCATION #2 today. I will no longer be placing corn out at that location anymore. Again, once all the corn is gone, I will be hanging a (PLB) pine licking branch in its place.

I also cleaned up FEED LOCATION #1 or, now going forward, the only FEED STATION left that I will have the rest of the year. I took down the old corn dispenser, did a little weed eating cleanup, laid out more corn and took the mineral block from the now former feed location #2 and placed it at the original FEED STATION nearest to my home.

I did swap out all the SD memory cards at all four of my TCs as well today. I have logged well over 5,000 captured photographs within a 72-hour period.

Below is a noticeably short two-minute video clip of the ones I think some of you may like, which are captures of;
  • The Big New Guy
  • Another New Guy, or returning buck that just happen to sprout some bigger antlers this year, which is what I believe to be the case.
  • A feeding Fawn (I have counted up to four different local fawns at this point in time.)
  • And finally, SHYBUC with some new stickers, more mass and a little more spread.

Once the weather front passes completely through and all the wet weather completely clears out for the day of the surrounding area, I will go ahead and set up my camera once again for another ‘LIVE’ broadcast for tomorrow, starting from sunup to all the way through sundown. The temperatures are supposed to be in the lower 70’s (71* high supposedly) so, that much cooler temp should hopefully keep the FEED STATION fairly active throughout the daylight hours. I have tons of daylight deer activity just prior of my last LIVE internet broadcast. That is based on the very latest TC SD card pulls, observed just over an hour ago.

So, I hope some of you check back here tomorrow morning early for another LIVE internet broadcast from the FEED STATION. I expect it to be fairly action packed, both morning and evening with some afternoon stragglers.

Take care all!
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Senior Member
One station will save time, money, and worries; meanwhile consolidating and conditioning your deer to one area. I’ve got to witness both male and female deer fights at my single feed spot over the years. Saw one big buck toss another big buck ten feet in the air. And does standing on their rear legs boxing each other over food control.


Supporting Member
Ross County
5:15 a.m. - Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 'LIVE':

Coming to you 'LIVE' in Southern Ohio all day long, from sunup to sundown, at the feed station today with a cloudy overcast and some mild temperatures of in the 60's with a potential high of 71 degrees. Should bring some decent deer action to this location today hopefully.



Supporting Member
Ross County
Young buck at 7:30. Pretty damn cool Denny!

Thanks Chuck!

So far, five different bucks since daybreak plus one just out of camera view that was sneezing. A couple them were some of the more decent bucks. I believe the one @6:30 was SHYBUC, but I am not certain on that.

Some other wildlife that made their way to the feed station includes plenty of squirrels of course, a couple of bunnies, a couple of opossums, and a hummingbird that flew right in front of the camera.

It is still early yet, so I kind of expect the does to show up sooner or later.

If anyone is interested in seeing those earlier bucks, you should be able to playback the video in time.

Hope most everyone enjoys my sharing, and I would certainly appreciate any comments about this ‘LIVE’ broadcast.

If I get enough positive feedback, I will consider making this a permanent installation and take out the trail cameras. I will however have to see about getting a different camera though because the one I am currently using is NOT weatherproof.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
9:35 p.m. - Tuesday, June 22, 2021:

It may take a day or two longer for some of those deer to get used to the new layout of the FEED STATION again, being that the old corn dispenser is now gone, plus an additional licking block, and another big fresh corn pile. I’m sure they will be fine after another day or two. Some them earlier today appeared to be more on the alert and I gather because of the changes that I made yesterday to the area.

Still, we had 14 deer hit the station today, most of them from sunup to noon, then just a couple more during last hour. IDK if I missed any midday or not because I was busy. I did not see any of those other bigger bucks either, except for just the one this morning. Perhaps they went and finished off the old feed location today. If so, I should have them on TC.

So, from what I could tell, there was a total of 11 antlered deer and 3 antlerless. Not quite what I was expecting for the cool temp day we had today however, the wind was coming from our place, so that might have kept those bigger bucks at bay somewhat. Still, not a bad day for deer activity, not the greatest either considering what I have been getting lately on TCs.

For those that checked out the broadcast today, I hope you got a little enjoyment out of it?

Again, any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The feed station has not been high on my priority list of projects this year, but I was planning on building an actual fed troth for the deer. I drew up the design a while back and I still have it in my notes. Then perhaps add a couple of weatherproof WiFi internet capable cameras with night vision capability too.

If or when I do get to that point, you can expect me to continue to broadcast LIVE much like what I shared today. These past two LIVE broadcasts were basically a trail run and I think they worked out just fine.

Thank you to those that have already commented, I really appreciate it!

Until next time, take care everybody!


Supporting Member
Ross County
One of those live cams set up over a active scrape in the fall would be real entertaining also. It would allow you to see their behavior “in the wild” as opposed to a feeding site. You wanted suggestions and this is just my 2 cents.😊

View attachment 129879

Mornin @Sgt Fury !

Yeah, that would be great!

I have to look and see if my WiFi network would reach the one that is closest to our place and determine if I have enough network bandwidth for it. If so, that would be a real good one to include no doubt. I'll have to check it out the next time I get over there when I swap out the SD card on that TC at that location.

Great suggestion and I really appreciate it, thanks!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Noon - Sunday, 27,2021 - 'A FEW UPDATES':

I’ll be sharing a few updates that do not necessarily have anything to do with my deer season directly really but, I wanted to consolidate my sharing within my journal for ease of reference.

Okay, yesterday I pulled SD cards from all four of my trailcams, three at the FEED STATION and one at the OLD FEED LOCATION #2.

Two (2&3) of the three trailcams are configured to capture photographs and trailcam #1 is back to capturing videos so I can observe the local deer herd behavior better even though that tailcam did not capture every deer that entered the area over the 72hrs. from the afternoon of 6/24 through to the afternoon of 6/26.

Both trailcams 2 & 3 captured approximately 1,200 deer photographs during that time. Those two are labeled videos below showing the two different angles of view. Trailcam #3 provides more coverage of the FEED STATION where as trailcam #2 does not.

If anyone is interested in viewing those two 20-minute videos, may I suggest you watch them simultaneously, that way you will get a better idea of all the deer activity that took place during those times.

Like I said, trailcam #1 allows me to get a better idea of the deer behavior, which is a camera angle above the deer heads and pretty much covers the entire FEED STATION area That video I sped up by 4x.

Then OLD FEED LOCATION #2 is nearly polished of all the corn that I stopped replenishing nearly two weeks ago. I only shared the more impressive buck captures from that location over the 72-hour period.

All TC captures were sped up and compiled in accordance with date and timestamp in consecutive order for all of my YouTube videos.

Now, onto the other items I wish to share.

Yesterday morning when I stepped out the house at daybreak and headed to my workshop that is 100 yards away, I observed 3 decent bucks in the front yard near the cedar trees and mulberry tree I transplanted from our woods about a year in a half ago, roughly 60 yards away from me.

The photograph above is where I first spotted them grazing. I tried to get a photograph of them with my cellphone however, they spotted me first and tracked across the yard heading South through our hay field before I could get a cellphone photo of them. It was a beautiful sight to see because the morning sunrise just broke over the treetops making their red hide stand out very brilliantly.

I have been slowly but surely over the last two years have been transplanting trees from the local area that will better attracted deer into the yard. I have plenty already that are well established for nearly 60 years however, I have plenty of room for more of a diverse deer attractants.

You can also see above that I acquired a young oak tree that I will transplant in between the cedars and mulberry. My wife’s grandfather made many attempts to grow them before over the decades but, none seemed to have survive for a variety of reasons. I hope this one does.

The only oak trees in the area are primarily located on tops of the huge big hills that surround our creek valley, a good long distance away. I do have one however that is within bow range at my ‘Northwestern Stand’ that I estimate that is approximately 20 years old that I think is about to produce some acorns anytime now.

This photograph proves that we will have another bumper crop of paw-paws this year. Last year for whatever reason, they did not do as well. Another decent deer attractant as well, which grow all along our creeks banks.

A quick follow up on a post that I shared within the ‘Guns & Ammo Sales’ thread regarding an America made product that I sought out specifically and originally ordered and paid for it last April through a dealer. After several shipping delays announced from that dealer, I dealt with the manufacture directly. You can read all the specifics if you would like by clicking the following hyperlink below however, as promised by the manufacture and to my utter amazement, I received the much wanted new American made product yesterday, one week well before scheduled. I am absolutely thrilled about that, which is a promise kept and well before that dealer’s estimated shipping date of October 11, 2021.

Guns & Ammo Sales.

I will most likely share more about why I bought this product sometime in the near future.

And finally, I would like to also re-share my post from yesterday regarding my brother in-law’s new brewing business, which is located in the downtown district of Chillicothe. He done a fantastic job all the way around regarding his new business venture and I am confident he’ll be very successful.

So, please click the following hyperlink below to read some of the particulars.

What's in your cup?


That’s everything I can think of at the time being and I appreciate you all taking a moment to consider the information that I cared to share in this update.

The next detailed deer update will be sometime around the end of July. I have a lot going on around the homestead this year that’s keeping me extremely busy. If anything significate happens between now and then, I’ll squeeze in a brief update. Other than that, I wish you all well and enjoy the the summer's great outdoors!

Take care!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
7:30 a.m. Thursday - July 1, 2021: 'Last Few Days of End of June'

Deer activity at the feed station from 4:30 p.m. 6/27 through 1:00 p.m. on 6/30 during some rather warm days with day time temperatures in the 90's.

Three different trailcams that captured more than a dozen of the more decent bucks out of the local herd from 6/26 through the early morning of 6/30 and each capture is in consecutive order by date and timestamp within the video. I did included 'Lefty' because he is now growing a nob where he broke off his right antler at the beginning of this month.

Video - https://www.bitchute.com/video/r879VHBJaCgX/

Sometime this afternoon while in the rain I'll be hanging (PLB) pine licking branch at the location where feed location #2 was.

Next update of trailcams will be at the end of July just so we can see just how much they have grown and who all continues to stick around still.

Anything significate that happens between now and then, I'll make an update, other than that, everyone have a safe and enjoyable 'Independence Day' holiday weekend!

Take care!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
2:35 p.m. July 1, 2021 - '1st of the year (PLB) Installed':

Installed the first (PLB) of this year. I will be installing another one later on this month at a different location. At the tail end of the video you will get to see my ugly mug drag the pine branch in and then again walking out after hanging it. I would have normally used my cellphone however I forgot it. I also pulled the SD card from the trailcam which has the latest capture of THUNDER from last night. He has been AWOL that past couple of days and I am glad to see that he is okay and still in the area. The other images are not the greatest because we received a ton of rain since last evening but you will get an idea of just how much deer traffic cruises through that area. Now they will have the PLB to let others know who is in the area.


Now we all shall see what he will look like at the end of month hopefully.

Until then, have a good one everyone!


Supporting Member
Ross County
4:00 p.m. July 7, 2021 - 'It's TOO Damn Hot Out!'

I know that I said the next update will be at the end of the month however, it’s too damn hot to do anything else outside this afternoon so, I decided to goof off instead of doing what I planned on doing today. Definitely trying to stay out of the hot sun for the most part.

I went and pulled SD cards from all four trailcams this afternoon. Below is a brief 6 in a half minute update of both the (PLB) location and the feed station area. Deer have already been hitting the (PLB), since the very next day after I installed it. All the deer activity hasn’t let up any around my parts yet even though the outdoor high temperatures have been well into the 90’s the past few days. So, what you will get to see in the attached video below is basically a replica of the previous days of July.

After reviewing all the TC data approximately an hour ago, I compiled just a small portion (basically, one day's worth of daylight activity mainly) that includes some from the (PLB) location and the rest of yesterday’s deer activity at the feed station area, most from sunup to sundown from that location yesterday, all placed in consecutive order by date, timestamp and then I also sped it up by 4x, just like I have previously done in the other videos.

If you do view the video, you will get to see a little bit of deer MMA action as well.

Video description:

Tempers are flaring. Some of the deer are establishing their dominance over the food. The following video captures just a few of the deer hitting the (PLB) pine licking branch that I hung on July 1st at the old feed location and the rest of the video is mainly deer activity during yesterday's daylight hours, pretty much from sunup to sundown. All the local deer activity has yet to let up even though we are currently having a heatwave with outdoor high temperatures well into the 90's since last Sunday. The more mature bucks are hitting the feed station more during the dark hours.


I'm already looking forward to the rest of the week and hopefully get a break from these high temperatures we have been having lately.

Drink plenty of fluids out there folks!

Take care!


Supporting Member
Ross County
6:00 a.m. Sunday July 11, 20201: 'Nothing to See Here':

Unless you happen to like seeing deerz...

Below is the latest TC memory card pulls from yesterday afternoon.

Video description:

Most of the latest deer activity captured on trail cameras at the feed station from the afternoon of July 7, through late afternoon July 10, 2021.

Video description:

A few choice captures at the (PLB) pine licking branch over the past three days. 'THUNDER' being the main attraction!



Supporting Member
Ross County
6:30 p.m. Wednesday - July 14, 2021: 'GIVE ME 20 BUCKS'

The latest update of deer activity captured on TCs in my neck of the woods. In a nutshell, the amount of deer I have in the immediate area this year is off the chart!

Video description:

The latest deer activity of MAINLY BUCKS ONLY from the afternoon of 7/10 through the afternoon of 7/14/21 captured from both the feed station and the (PLB) pine licking branch locations. There are at least 20 different bucks captured on three different trail cameras within a 84hr. period. 'THUNDER' & 'TANK' were the two most notable ones that DID NOT show up during that time. There were several other antlerless deer that were also captured on the latest trail camera memory cards however, I did not include but just a few of them within this latest video update. The main criteria for this video was to include every different buck captured on trail camera during this latest time period and share the more quality photographs of the thousands captured. There are several photographs of the same buck or bucks, but there are also at least 20 others that are also included within this video if not more, which are not all the buck photographs captured on the trail cameras over the 84hr. period. You will also get to see that 'BAMBI' & 'RABBIT' teamed up together a couple of times over the past couple of days stealing some corn. All photographs are in consecutive order by date and timestamp starting from from the evening of 7/10 though the afternoon of 7/14/2021.

Video description:

Due to the fact that the batteries went dry in the trail camera, this video only contains deer activity during the evening of the 10th only. The video playback is at normal recording speed. You will get to see that the more mature deer are still trying to establish dominance over the food. I installed new batteries into the trail camera when I swapped out the memory card this afternoon. The next update from this camera should include much more deer activity.

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