Noon - Sunday, 27,2021 - 'A FEW UPDATES':
I’ll be sharing a few updates that do not necessarily have anything to do with my deer season directly really but, I wanted to consolidate my sharing within my journal for ease of reference.
Okay, yesterday I pulled SD cards from all four of my trailcams, three at the FEED STATION and one at the OLD FEED LOCATION #2.
Two (2&3) of the three trailcams are configured to capture photographs and trailcam #1 is back to capturing videos so I can observe the local deer herd behavior better even though that tailcam did not capture every deer that entered the area over the 72hrs. from the afternoon of 6/24 through to the afternoon of 6/26.
Both trailcams 2 & 3 captured approximately 1,200 deer photographs during that time. Those two are labeled videos below showing the two different angles of view. Trailcam #3 provides more coverage of the FEED STATION where as trailcam #2 does not.
If anyone is interested in viewing those two 20-minute videos, may I suggest you watch them simultaneously, that way you will get a better idea of all the deer activity that took place during those times.
Like I said, trailcam #1 allows me to get a better idea of the deer behavior, which is a camera angle above the deer heads and pretty much covers the entire FEED STATION area That video I sped up by 4x.
Then OLD FEED LOCATION #2 is nearly polished of all the corn that I stopped replenishing nearly two weeks ago. I only shared the more impressive buck captures from that location over the 72-hour period.
All TC captures were sped up and compiled in accordance with date and timestamp in consecutive order for all of my YouTube videos.
Now, onto the other items I wish to share.
Yesterday morning when I stepped out the house at daybreak and headed to my workshop that is 100 yards away, I observed 3 decent bucks in the front yard near the cedar trees and mulberry tree I transplanted from our woods about a year in a half ago, roughly 60 yards away from me.
The photograph above is where I first spotted them grazing. I tried to get a photograph of them with my cellphone however, they spotted me first and tracked across the yard heading South through our hay field before I could get a cellphone photo of them. It was a beautiful sight to see because the morning sunrise just broke over the treetops making their red hide stand out very brilliantly.
I have been slowly but surely over the last two years have been transplanting trees from the local area that will better attracted deer into the yard. I have plenty already that are well established for nearly 60 years however, I have plenty of room for more of a diverse deer attractants.
You can also see above that I acquired a young oak tree that I will transplant in between the cedars and mulberry. My wife’s grandfather made many attempts to grow them before over the decades but, none seemed to have survive for a variety of reasons. I hope this one does.
The only oak trees in the area are primarily located on tops of the huge big hills that surround our creek valley, a good long distance away. I do have one however that is within bow range at my ‘Northwestern Stand’ that I estimate that is approximately 20 years old that I think is about to produce some acorns anytime now.
This photograph proves that we will have another bumper crop of paw-paws this year. Last year for whatever reason, they did not do as well. Another decent deer attractant as well, which grow all along our creeks banks.
A quick follow up on a post that I shared within the ‘Guns & Ammo Sales’ thread regarding an America made product that I sought out specifically and originally ordered and paid for it last April through a dealer. After several shipping delays announced from that dealer, I dealt with the manufacture directly. You can read all the specifics if you would like by clicking the following hyperlink below however, as promised by the manufacture and to my utter amazement, I received the much wanted new American made product yesterday, one week well before scheduled. I am absolutely thrilled about that, which is a promise kept and well before that dealer’s estimated shipping date of October 11, 2021.
I will most likely share more about why I bought this product sometime in the near future.
And finally, I would like to also re-share my post from yesterday regarding my brother in-law’s new brewing business, which is located in the downtown district of Chillicothe. He done a fantastic job all the way around regarding his new business venture and I am confident he’ll be very successful.
So, please click the following hyperlink below to read some of the particulars.
That’s everything I can think of at the time being and I appreciate you all taking a moment to consider the information that I cared to share in this update.
The next detailed deer update will be sometime around the end of July. I have a lot going on around the homestead this year that’s keeping me extremely busy. If anything significate happens between now and then, I’ll squeeze in a brief update. Other than that, I wish you all well and enjoy the the summer's great outdoors!
Take care!